Just In
for Deeper than Indigo

1/6/2005 c3 vedmid
glad to see this updated
1/5/2005 c3 dojo
Good chapter. More NarutoHinata scene.
12/22/2004 c2 aqua
the suspense . . . will kill me if you don't update soon. you don't want that on your conscience do you? ^_^
11/1/2004 c2 38Artemis-chan of Redwing
Kawaii! I wanna see more, because Naruto and Hinata are the cutest couple EVER! ^_^;; Love it!

10/3/2004 c2 1Byuu128
I look forward to see what will happen next. Your story is very interesting. I am also glad you didn't go into too many details of how Neji got beaten to a pulp.
6/10/2004 c2 ClassicDrogn
Hm, interesting. I look forward to more. Too early to turn in a numerical rating, but things are looking good.

- CD
5/15/2004 c2 5chocomyrr
Wow! VERY interesting! I like! ^^ Plz cont.! Yay~!
4/21/2004 c2 Xero
like the story, especially the detail placed into the reflections really draws you into the story.. keep up the good work.
3/1/2004 c2 17Kichou
Darn Neji! What did he do to her? He is my fav. character but even I have my limits! Please write more.
2/25/2004 c1 Hanabi
Please write more, I really like the way this story is turning out.
2/25/2004 c2 neato
I really liked this one, it's very sweet and mysterious.
2/25/2004 c2 kaze
one of the rare good naruto and hinata story. good job, only hope it will get better. please becareful of making hinata a marysue.
2/25/2004 c2 4ani05tersrVIP
O.O Oh... my... God...
That was amazing! It's going on my favourites!
2/25/2004 c2 Xoni Newcomer
Pretty good fic. It's a bit confusing at some points, though. For example, it wasn't clear how could Hinata have such a clear recollection of Naruto's visit if she was asleep. And when she activated her Byakugan, Naruto's chakra was simply floating in the room or what?
Still, it was nice to read, and the fact you've added some mystery to make the fic more interesting is a bonus.
2/24/2004 c2 Brice humphry
Ohh...this looks interesting...and well written too...keep it up! update soon!
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