Just In
for Deeper than Indigo

10/17/2003 c1 Kelsey
Continue! Continue!
10/17/2003 c1 7lackey H
funfun ^.^

But yeah o.O the layout went 'klunk' obviously x.x though, knowing it probably wasn't your fault x.x

ah well. I like the ending ^.^
10/16/2003 c1 Eadha Ohn
Please continue! Me big, no HUGE NaruHina fan!
10/16/2003 c1 tiramisuNyaaanx3
i think u shuld cntinu it cuz i want 2 kno wat hapnd aftr that. and it needs sum lemon and mor fluffiness. and make it mor into a story with people talking more.
10/16/2003 c1 Chibi Dragon
Im gonna make this short and sweet. *ahem* here it goes, this was a wonderfully writen fic, you have a very sophisticated writing style. Please continue there isnt enough NaruHina out there and that is one of the best pairings out there, continue.
10/16/2003 c1 Matrixheavyarms
AW! Alot of people like SasuNaru too much to care about Naruhina, but it looks like we're on the same page, You go girl!
10/16/2003 c1 Kimba
Ahh, I love it! You've captured the emotion really well. It fits the characters well, too. I hope you continue with this story. ^_^
10/16/2003 c1 Xoni Newcomer
This was very pretty. You described Naruto's emotional trip in an intense way that I found very fitting for the strong feelings and emotions he was experimenting. I almost could sense it.

A little detail: leave a blank line between paragraphs. The text will look better.

About continuing it, it all depends of whether you have something more to say or not. This fic can be either an excellent first chapter or and excellent stand-alone. If you have a great idea or scene that you feel you must write and show, then continue it.
10/16/2003 c1 16kokorodragon
wow..that was so sugoi ! ^-^
10/16/2003 c1 6Silver Dragonfly
very sweet. ^.^ keep it up!
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