9/18/2005 c4
I love it. Please update PLEASE i want more:):):):):);) Your a really good writer. hehe Please update

I love it. Please update PLEASE i want more:):):):):);) Your a really good writer. hehe Please update
3/15/2004 c4 stacyannrobinson
that was awsome update soomn please i'm on my knees please
that was awsome update soomn please i'm on my knees please
12/28/2003 c4
OOh! I love this! I used to have English from my mom and a the year after that French from my dad. Didn't like it with my mom so much... It's really akward, maybe it was because I was only 12. My dad was just hilarious. I've only called my mom 'mom' once in class. My dad never, just 'sir', or nothing at all... Keep on writing!

OOh! I love this! I used to have English from my mom and a the year after that French from my dad. Didn't like it with my mom so much... It's really akward, maybe it was because I was only 12. My dad was just hilarious. I've only called my mom 'mom' once in class. My dad never, just 'sir', or nothing at all... Keep on writing!
12/13/2003 c4
2Lady Piper1
yay u updated! i luv how mel torments mr. matthews in this chapter. it seems like something i wud do. and really, who wudnt torture a teacher who's so cruel as to giv a test on the 2nd day of school? cant wait to read about piper's class!
i'll probly post the next chapter of my story next weekend. and then after that there's christmas break so i shud get 1 or 2 more chapters up then, too.
anyway, luvd the chapter! update soon!

yay u updated! i luv how mel torments mr. matthews in this chapter. it seems like something i wud do. and really, who wudnt torture a teacher who's so cruel as to giv a test on the 2nd day of school? cant wait to read about piper's class!
i'll probly post the next chapter of my story next weekend. and then after that there's christmas break so i shud get 1 or 2 more chapters up then, too.
anyway, luvd the chapter! update soon!
12/12/2003 c3 bigreader
Yes I read your A/N's I dont know who invented sticky notes but I do know that when they invented it they were trying to invent glue that was stronget that that one that held a guy to some metal thing. About your characters I think they are good but kindof dull no offense but i need some action here have Leo dissapear for a while while the a Demon goes as one of the sisters and steals wyatt and Chris knows what happened and let something slip so know the sisters are getting suspicious (Iv'e always known Chris was evil...despite the last episode) and then while that happens have a girl demon go into the girls bathroom while Mel is in there and kidnap her to find out information on one of his brothers. hey i am your inspiration i love charmed and the guy that made fun of them i cussed him out so bad gr dont make fun of charmed. if you need more inspiration just e-mail me at
Yes I read your A/N's I dont know who invented sticky notes but I do know that when they invented it they were trying to invent glue that was stronget that that one that held a guy to some metal thing. About your characters I think they are good but kindof dull no offense but i need some action here have Leo dissapear for a while while the a Demon goes as one of the sisters and steals wyatt and Chris knows what happened and let something slip so know the sisters are getting suspicious (Iv'e always known Chris was evil...despite the last episode) and then while that happens have a girl demon go into the girls bathroom while Mel is in there and kidnap her to find out information on one of his brothers. hey i am your inspiration i love charmed and the guy that made fun of them i cussed him out so bad gr dont make fun of charmed. if you need more inspiration just e-mail me at
12/11/2003 c4
4Stained Bloodless
I love this fic! Mel in the 3rd chapter was so funny! All your characters are really sweet. ;)

I love this fic! Mel in the 3rd chapter was so funny! All your characters are really sweet. ;)
11/27/2003 c3
i love this story and written very well i cant waot till they get to pipers class. i love everything about the charecters so far and i dont know who invented sticky notes but ur right whoever it was was a genius!

i love this story and written very well i cant waot till they get to pipers class. i love everything about the charecters so far and i dont know who invented sticky notes but ur right whoever it was was a genius!
11/25/2003 c3
2Lady Piper1
hmm...inspirational review...inspirational review...
hows this:
algebra first period...poor mel. algebra always sucks (at least, i think it does) and it sucks even more early in the morning.
i really like the way u had the teacher get to know the students, it was a good way to introduce the characters.
can't wait to read more!
oh yeah, almost forgot: thanks for clarifying the mel-krista thing. and i read the author's notes, i figure if ur gonna take the time to write them, i may as well take the time to read them.

hmm...inspirational review...inspirational review...
hows this:
algebra first period...poor mel. algebra always sucks (at least, i think it does) and it sucks even more early in the morning.
i really like the way u had the teacher get to know the students, it was a good way to introduce the characters.
can't wait to read more!
oh yeah, almost forgot: thanks for clarifying the mel-krista thing. and i read the author's notes, i figure if ur gonna take the time to write them, i may as well take the time to read them.
11/18/2003 c2
cool i love this story i cant wait untill you write more! one question though melinda and krista are best friends but krista just calls piper mom just because right?

cool i love this story i cant wait untill you write more! one question though melinda and krista are best friends but krista just calls piper mom just because right?
11/17/2003 c2
2Lady Piper1
great chapter, i can't wait to read more! i bet piper will make a really good teacher...
my only question is, why was krista referring to piper as mom?

great chapter, i can't wait to read more! i bet piper will make a really good teacher...
my only question is, why was krista referring to piper as mom?
11/7/2003 c1
aww i feel so loved ! hehe thnkx k well ya you gotta post more i just cant wait this will be a great sotyr i cant wait at all!

aww i feel so loved ! hehe thnkx k well ya you gotta post more i just cant wait this will be a great sotyr i cant wait at all!