Just In
for Debates

6/24/2006 c3 starryeyes10
great story.
6/16/2006 c1 36Staz
me like, do continue! :-)
6/15/2006 c1 Meaghanisms
wierd srory but y r u starting a new one when u have two unfinished ones that are really good...
6/15/2006 c2 BooBoo
OK Ilike this so far!
6/15/2006 c2 PissedOffTeen
This is the most retarded excuse for a story I've ever read. Seriously. X-Men? What are you, 10 years old or something? Crossovers are great, but not when they come from comic books.
11/10/2003 c1 15Evil Genius Girl
cute! write more, please please please!
11/9/2003 c1 17CapriceAnn Hedican-Kocur
you have a great idea, but you definitely need to flesh it out more. Or in plain English, PLEASE WRITE MORE OF THIS! hehehehe
11/9/2003 c1 laura carr
great story but why x men and not mutant x

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