Just In
for Not Alone

8/12/2005 c2 10Blue Eyed Dragon Girl
Aw! That is so sweet! I love it! Please write more! It would be great to hear more about the antics of Lucus's sister! I love this storY!
2/8/2004 c2 sara
hey! you still there?
is there gonna be any more of this? i want more!
pritty please!
12/7/2003 c2 Phoenix
Wow... great start :) I hope there's going to be more to this. I can't wait to see if Lucas does manage to look after Lily while working on Seaquest.
12/5/2003 c2 sara
aw, Lily's a sweet name! thanks for updating! I like lucas and hudson's conversation, or the way lucas treated hudson haha that was great...
::whines:: make it longer? :
11/26/2003 c1 sara
i'm glad that his passing at least inspired people to post. and this is really good too please continue i love the idea behind this. maybe you could elaborate and make the 1st part a little longer...maybe include how he felt at his mother's funeral? heh well i'm just tryin to give you some ideas.

i like your pov, it's very interesting and there arent that many 1st pov fics out there

btw! please continue this! yah?
11/25/2003 c1 4Kathy59
Hope you are planning on continuing, this is good.

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