Just In
for The Last Time

2/16/2005 c1 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
2/4/2005 c1 5AlyceJL
Aww, cute fluff! :D So sweet and adorable. I love the big about the squid - so random, which makes it so real!
8/30/2004 c1 Rossy
Aw, that was cute...and probably could happen (I really hope, please God, please God ), 'cause I thought that it's not a pure love scene, its just a "sugestion" of a probably romance between our lovely couple.
8/2/2004 c1 ELBL
AW! so cute! i really liked it! brilliant! WELL DONE!
7/29/2004 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Aww, sad and sweet and funny, all wrapped in one little package. (o; Another great one.
7/2/2004 c1 Concealed
Do you know what? THAT WAS SO...





I loved it! :):):)
4/9/2004 c1 64Greenstuff
ok. I wanted to read somethign of yours since you've been so wnderful to me in your reviews.
I really really liked your Hermione! Especially the way you showed her active mind. too many people seem to think that her brilliance means she never has questions.
This story was cute! andit managed the near impossible feat of not quicking me with the R/H-ness. :) Good job.
2/23/2004 c1 happigolucki616
aw so sad and so sweet! bravo! exceptionally written! lol love the stair thingy! this stori roks!
2/22/2004 c1 3RebelRikki
That was SO SWEET! Like, one of the sweetest things I've ever read! All I have to say is AW!
2/20/2004 c1 Mrs.SiriusBlack-01
AW! How cute! I love it!
2/17/2004 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
aw! aw! aw! i love this so much! aw! i can't stop awing! aw w! lol ok so is this a one-shot?
2/1/2004 c1 1uhxhixitsxbecky
I like it...i really like it...good idea R/R mine 'of love,friends,and homework' also pass it on to other ppl i want reviews!
use this link http:/
1/19/2004 c1 73DragonGrin - former TeenTypist
Great! I loved the concept about the fact that they survived because they had to, because they didn't have a choice. Is it okay if I use the thing about a guy putting his foot on the bottom step to make a girl slide down? I'd give you credit for it of course, but I really like that idea and I'd like to use it in one my fics (don't know which one yet). Thanks.
This story is SO awesome!
1/19/2004 c1 3VBspikergirl9
Another Ron/Hermione I love!
Keep it up! Will we ever find out where the squid goes? I want 2 read more ASAP plz.
1/18/2004 c1 MagicalMe243
Aw, that was cute. Very well written.
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