Just In
for I'll Be Home For Christmas

3/26/2005 c3 1Saija-chan
Waai! That was!

I loved it from the beginning to the end! I'm such a hopeless romantic... *sigh*
5/15/2004 c3 6LoriLynn1
aw! that was cute, funny and sweet! great job!
5/7/2004 c3 3rabidotaku22
-sniff- 'twas a beautiful story. BUT. It could've used more Ryouga! Ahah! Just joking. thanks for reccomending my story! ^.^! Well, I'm prolly pretty late in reviewing this but, I enjoyed it all the same! Ta ta for now!
3/18/2004 c3 7Cherri J. Ookami
Oh, my. It ended so well.
It was very erm... touching.
*Sob, sob*
Kay. Keep up the good work.
3/14/2004 c3 Minakane
I really liked this story. I was well written, amusing, and although there are many ranma chritmas stories I thought this one was pretty original. Although I must admit I was confused as to why Ukyou would get a retraining order and not Shampoo and Kodachi. I've always thought they were the more violent/crazy of the three other fiancees.
3/11/2004 c3 AmayaSaria
that was a great story! Wow! i loved it!
3/10/2004 c3 43Doctor Emmit Brown
It felt a little weird reading a christmas fic in March, but I rather enjoyed it. Maybe next year you could do a sequal?
3/9/2004 c1 1Cere K Strife
This seriously is a GREAT fic. Please write more fics like this.
3/9/2004 c3 Cere K Strife
*tears flowing* I... LOVED IT! That is one of the BEST Ranma fics EVER. Am I invited to the WEDDING? I wish there was more. I so do. I really cannot describe to you how much I LOVED that story. And the long chapter- FORGET IT. That's the best part about it. Please write more fics like this. Please. This was EXCELLENTLY written.
3/9/2004 c3 Sieg1308
this is very good please continue writing more! ^_^
3/9/2004 c3 3ZRO4825
Heh, I've been wondering how this one would end. ^_^ Very good way to finish.
3/9/2004 c1 Sieg1308
update now
2/28/2004 c2 Sieg1308
Please update this story.
2/24/2004 c2 ohmyneng
h3y! Shuichi66 here! luv yuur fic. here, dunno anythin 'bout hope yuu finish yuur fic.
2/21/2004 c1 2VanFlight
Yo. Nice Stoyr its comming along nicly see in school.
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