Just In
for Kiss to Remember

1/2/2004 c1 fariegirl217
ver, very, very, very cute!ron & hermione 4eva!
12/31/2003 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Cute! I like it a lot! The only thing is that Ron isn't the youngest Weasley Ginny R/H forever!
12/31/2003 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
i love it! it's adorable! please update!
12/30/2003 c1 5Mione Weasley
Cute! Nice job!
12/29/2003 c1 4ShrugDuckie
this was such a cute story! "You want to talk?And even more arent hungry?" she asked accusingly omg that was so funny i laffed so hard! thanks for readin my fics! i'm gonna read ur longer one next ttyl! ~Duckie~
12/28/2003 c1 9Hermione30
I thought this was cute! Great idea, dialouge, it WAS OOC, but still cute. The only thing I would change is your grammar, such as things like punctuation.
12/28/2003 c1 lissa
hey! i love it! very very cute! i hope you write mor fics very very soon!
i use 'very very' very very often! :p lol good luck with your next fic!
your friend,
12/28/2003 c1 airhead14
very cute! i know you said it was a one-chapter story but it would be good if you could continue it, at least so we could know what happened next. is ron going to tell hermione about his feelings? how is hermione going to react.
you could answer this and more questions in chapter 2, maybe?
12/28/2003 c1 Yomayo
Aww! that was so sweet! I loved it!
12/28/2003 c1 3RibCaged
Aww that was cute. It made me smile. I wish the guy I liked would brush a strand of my hair behind my ear and kiss me. Have a nice day.
12/28/2003 c1 2strawberrybubblegum
ooh, that's soo cute! *smiles*
12/28/2003 c1 27Daintress
I think you shouldn't use your AN to tell us what we should think of your story. I didn't think it was poorly written at all. Your dialogue flows better and sounds more natural than most that I've read on this site, and it's a very cute fic. Keep it up! Hope you'll check out my fics as well.
12/28/2003 c1 8Black Vengeance
I like the idea and its a good story but like you said it's not very well written ... sorry, I hope that doesn't sound nasty! I think it's mainly punctuation that you need to look at. Good story, though!
12/27/2003 c1 Guest
Eh...It was alright. Kind of hard to read, and it moved a little too fast.
Oh and Ron isn't the youngest Weasley...Ginny is.
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