Just In
for The Eyes of the Beholder

7/29/2004 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Luffly fluff. (o; You should write a sequel, perhaps where we get to see the actual flying lesson? Just a thought.
7/2/2004 c1 Concealed
Aw, all bout Ron's beautiful eyes! :)
6/1/2004 c1 9Isadora
OMG! That was really sweet! I love Ron!
4/10/2004 c1 2ChickFlick004
Aw, cute. Haha, why was he gonna read it, anyway? Just to see what all her fuss is about?
2/29/2004 c1 monkeys-r-us
What is it with you Ron/Hermione people? Everyone thinks I'm weird for this but I'm a Harry/Hermione person! I mean jeez! If you ask me it is meant to be that Harry and Hermione get together. Harry looks like his Dad and Hermione looks like Harry's mom! Ha, see I've got you there, oh, ok. I admit I'm reaching but oh well. I loved it. You write such cute fluffy stories! Keep up the good work!
2/22/2004 c1 3RebelRikki
If it would make people fall in love with me I would throw myself down flights of stairs all day long! Especially for people with pretty eyes!
2/17/2004 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
LOL! as always, this is loveable, cute and i like it so much. getting depressed that it's a one-shot though... i'd love to read about HERMIONE on a BROOMSTICK trying to FLY! just the thought TICKLES me... hahhah ok well anyways... byezez
2/10/2004 c1 1uhxhixitsxbecky
i liked it it was good...i posted my 3rd chpt so check it out and review
1/27/2004 c1 2ThunderStorm-8
that was so good, can't wait to read the rest ^_^
ps if you are interested u could go to the site at the bottom of this review and sign a potition to keep Ron and Hermione's "hug" scence in the new movie "prizoner of Askaban". every signature helps so please please please sign!
1/19/2004 c1 Moonstone-Cironia
i really really luv your stories they are great, So is there anouther chapter if so get writing your so good
1/18/2004 c1 73DragonGrin - former TeenTypist
Cute, fluffiness, much enjoyed! Sorry, not very coherent at the moment.
1/18/2004 c1 5OneDayFamous
I really like this so far! I hope you're going to continue it! :)
1/18/2004 c1 2Lily106
IT DID NOT SUCK! It was pretty good!
1/18/2004 c1 Lollipoloozza
It was good. I think it needs more. Can't wait until its updated!
1/18/2004 c1 MagicalMe243
Aw that was cute and very well written
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