Just In
for Perfect Rain

8/13/2007 c1 12TimePasses
aw that was cute!
12/31/2005 c1 fancycup411
aw this is soo cute! keep it up!
9/4/2005 c1 jaqui and bumbie
i loved your story!()
10/30/2004 c1 1kr15t1n3w
wow...wat a cute cute sweet lil story! it would've been so great if u extended it! but i guess it's ok...kehehehe...but i still loved it! cute cute!
8/3/2004 c1 FreakishlyHuman
I should log in, but I am too lazy. Anyway I like this one too, it definitely is a cute story.
8/3/2004 c1 samyjoc
i think its sweet
7/29/2004 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Aw, this is great! I'm feeling really excited to beta your sequel and read the rest of your stories.
7/2/2004 c1 Concealed
Perfect Story. hehe! so fluffy too, as fluffy as my invisable kitty. (Which is VERY fluffy)
6/10/2004 c1 yoblossom
Aw... My friend told me to read this fic and i love it! It's soo sweet! You should write more fic's like this one!
5/22/2004 c1 RussellGrl15
Oh how cute! I love little R/Hr stories that make my stomach twist and my mouth form into a grin. Heh!
4/30/2004 c1 Sandypantz
That was the fluffiest fic i've eva read-I loved it!
2/26/2004 c1 monkeys-r-us
AW! That was so cute abbs!So I finally reviewed. Aren't you proud! Kinda fluffy wasn't it? Oh well. It was adorable. I only have one thing to say that can both sum up the cuteness of the story and make sense to you. BAH!
2/23/2004 c1 happigolucki616
yep, certainly was adorable fluffiness! with rain and kisses! bravo! well- cutely written!
2/2/2004 c1 1uhxhixitsxbecky
hey thanx for reviewing my story...i love this one...u should keep working on it...i started the 3rd chpt of mine its coming along but i dont kno wut should happen exactly...I NEED UR HELP! lol...ur originally from the Jersey Shore yay! so email me wit at all!
1/27/2004 c1 2ThunderStorm-8
wow ^_^that was cute
ps if you are interested u could go to the site at the bottom of this review and sign a potition to keep Ron and Hermione's "hug" scence in the new movie "prizoner of Askaban". every signature helps so please please please sign!
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