Just In
for Midnight Wanderings

5/12/2008 c1 iwlj
this was actually pretty good!
7/24/2005 c3 11essenceofzedak
please continue ^^ this was so cute... *squeels*
7/28/2004 c3 47silver-sunn101
This was so funny and fluffy! I loved it! The first chapter was my favorite, though I did like the scene in the infirmary. I showed you profile to a friend of mine 'cause she likes Ginny/Draco fics. I don't know if she'll review or not! I loved this one too!

6/19/2004 c3 11PrOnGs Da GrEaT
cool fic! I loved it! Sorry for reading late Well, whatever...I'm adding it to my favs...good story! :)
6/7/2004 c1 3Chaos-Fyre-Elf31
Good story...UPDATE! :)
5/18/2004 c3 MissBellaDonna
Very Good! I'd love it if you would continue!
5/17/2004 c3 64Greenstuff
the innocent slash still puzzles me. I love it but I'm somewhat baffled. This was a great chapter. I love how completely oblivious you made Ron. :) good job!
5/17/2004 c3 morgan
5/16/2004 c3 plndrm101
Wow! You actually wrote another chappie! Yay! I hope you continue. What will Ron think when he figures it all out? It was great as usual, but you have me sitting on the edge of my seat! Oh! I finally got my one-shot up if you want to read it. And if you're still up for being my beta, I have started writing out one of my plot bunnies... Well ta ta for now!
4/30/2004 c2 Norah
No! This can't be the end! Don't stop? Please? *Begs in pitiful tone* Please? Please? THank you in advance. Norah
4/18/2004 c2 4timeless shadow
babs! I found you! Great story! Told you I would like it!
4/9/2004 c2 64Greenstuff
lol. I love how you managed to make slash innocent. Who could have thought? I really enjoyed this, I'll have to go find more of your slash stuff!
3/2/2004 c2 10CrawBrad
Update again soon! This be good! ~Brad
2/29/2004 c2 monkeys-r-us
Oh my. What is it with you and fluffy stories? That was really funny. It was also kind of romancy, but i'm not quite sure if it was supposed to be! Hey I'm reviewing another one of your stories! I should get a cookie or something!
2/27/2004 c2 8zanthia122
Great fluffy mushy fic, the way i like it! Continue!
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