Just In
for Secret Alias

3/23/2006 c4 3Cerulean Crystal
please update soon. this is really good. almost 2 years you haven't updated. please update soon.
9/14/2004 c4 krzyaznkid
nice. keep up the good work. the squinoa moment wasn't that much really intense. but i bet the next one will be awsome. reading the previews its really good. hope you update the next one soon.
9/9/2004 c4 zornoid13
Interesting story

Hope u update it soon
6/16/2004 c3 Preaw
PLs write some more!
5/5/2004 c3 11Yumekage
Woah, bagus! BAGUUS! *cough cough* Anyway, evethough I'm not that fond of FFVI, this is quite a fic ^^ So then, why are you still not updating? Oh, don't answer that..I forgot that your comp broke down and you can't use the net no more...My condolence for you...Jangan marah ye ^^
3/24/2004 c2 2Sense of Life
Hi again! I wanted to talk to you but I need you to email me again. ^o^ I want you to talk to me a little more! I don't want to take up your time but I wat to be answered by you! Well I have to go, BYE BYE!
3/22/2004 c3 crazy
Please Update
^_^ !
3/22/2004 c1 Sense of Life
HI AGAIN! How have you been doing? I read Emerald-wind reveiws today and I saw you had just gotten out of the hospital. Well anyway when Emerald-wind updates again tell her that I want you and her to email me because I have an email adress now! And I want to talk to you guys all the time! And you don't have to wait very long cause you can talk to me before she does! I am really looking forward to taking to you! Well anyway let me get on with it. I want you to email me as soon as you get this reveiw ^~^ I hope you will! is the adress so give me yours and we'll talk ^o^ I also need you to tell me your email adress! So if you can write to me kay!
Bye Bye now!
3/7/2004 c3 melissagurl
Hello there! I just want to say that I really have been enjoying your fic so far :) I think that Rinoa is a little out of character, but I have to wait until the next chappy, right? ^_^ (hint-hint). Thanks again!
2/29/2004 c1 3Wolf of Light
-_- This is for chapter 3. I have no idea where my reviews are going. Great chapter, update soon, and hope posts my reviews!
2/28/2004 c3 DBH
I can see why Rinoa decided she needed SeeD training.
Selphie was dangerous. :-)
2/28/2004 c3 Wolf of Light
Great chapter once again. I'm looking forward to who the intruder was. Update soon.
2/26/2004 c2 Wolf of Light
Nice chapter. I really like it. Glad to see it's becoming a success. Update soon.
2/22/2004 c2 1Evan'sRinoa
this is REALLY good! though it made me hungry. hehe. i like the way you made the whole "school slut" character. everyone knows every school has one of those. hehe. anywho. update soon, cuz im hooked!
2/21/2004 c2 DBH
Interesting, has Rinoa had some from of training to let her keep up with the others in tests?
It would be hard to walk in a take a test on your first day if you knew nothing about SeeD.
Still enjoying the story.
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