Just In
for Secret Alias

2/18/2004 c1 1dfourthhorseman
Really great story. Its nice to see a long chapter that is as well written as this. I really hope you continue this fic, I really like these type of stories thats like the original but with a distinct twist. This looks like its going to be long fic, I hope it continues to be long and good as the first chapter, please don't be discouraged if you think there isn't enough reviews, because I really think its a good story you got going here. I can't wait to see how you'll fit more SquallxRinoa soon.
Btw, I think Zone really has it bad since every fic that includes him seems to only give him a short scene and a cursed case of diahiera. :P
2/14/2004 c1 Lupin IV
This revision didn't fix the main problem I had with the original, which was the formatting (specifically, dialog written with multiple speakers jammed into one paragraph). So in that regard it's no better than it was originally.
2/14/2004 c1 crazy
Ah! Cliff hanger!
Please update soon!
I really like this story ^_^
2/14/2004 c1 DBH
Nice beginning, though Rinoa better start wearing sunglasses if she's going to go all redeyed on Squall. :-)
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