Just In
for Things Can't Possibly Get Any Worse!

8/11/2004 c8 Regan040
you should really keep going with this story its good.
6/8/2004 c8 2lenk
I just read all the chapters. This fic is so cool. Thinks between B & V will so much better. I do think he will tell her. I'm still in deep thought about the anonymous call Bulma received and what is the big thing the Bulma knows about Goku. I have an idea but I really don't want to get ahead of the whole thing. anyway hope U update soon.
4/16/2004 c8 galiemme
I'm fininished catching up! YAY! now I can read in a normal way. but I do have to wait now... :s hate waiting, so update soon! =P
nice lemon, and I think things will turn out okay between him and B. he'll tell her, he already trusts her right? that seems to be a good enough hint, my guess.
4/15/2004 c6 galiemme
I thought that Bulma would be raped by Goku or something... But Vegeta by Freeza? :O this really is something new! and I would like to flame yeah! but I don't because I think you've already written your own punishment. and uhm... who called Bulma? I would like to know but I can't read further... :'( poor me again :'(
4/11/2004 c5 galiemme
YES I HATE YOU! 'cause I can't read further :'( poor me, dont you agree? hahaha it seems to me 18 and bulma are in love, or am I wrong? must be, this IS a V/B fic right? and 18 would date krillin she said. this is getting confusing :s
4/9/2004 c1 galiemme
I was sure 'bout already reviewing this fic... hm... weird... oh well, I gotta start all over anyway :s I spend ages on finding this story again! so now I kinda forgot what happened :s
but it was great! keep writing anywayz!
4/7/2004 c8 sarah
you've used old ideas like highschool story or vegeta getting raped but there used quite orignally i really like this story and i hope you update soon
4/7/2004 c8 6Alexandrea Romanzesco
o good chapter, update soon and i like teh plot... i wonder what freza will do.
4/7/2004 c8 3trunksvegetafrodoclex
4/7/2004 c7 trunksvegetafrodoclex
4/6/2004 c6 4The Tragic Priestess Kikyo
^-^;; Poor poor Veggie..well I really do hope he gets his revenge soon! And may it be bloody and involve castration! =3 the bastards...
4/5/2004 c7 Joelie the Messenger of Death
boom. i like booms. pls update soon. VEGETA RULZ!
3/25/2004 c6 Joelie the Messenger of Death
poor veggie-chan. what u said about bulma always being the victim and vegeta always being the popular guy is true. it is the time for the tables to turn and see things from another view pt. i admire ur courage for doing what u did to my poor vegeta, it takes a lot of guts to write something like that. but let's see the bright side, he's going to get one hell of a revenge right? keep up the good work. pls update soon. VEGETA RULZ!
3/25/2004 c6 32limpet666
I actually quite liked this chapter, no not because I'm some digusting pervert but because it's really original. You're right it is always Bulma getting raped and Vegeta being cool, it's nice to see something different, keep writing!
3/25/2004 c6 11Poisoned-Tattoo
OMG, I am practically sobbing right now. Please, don't let Vegeta be a puss, let him be a winna! Ok, that was really ghetto of me but I DON'T CARE! I DON'T LIKE THIS VEGETA BEING WEAK SHIT! *sob sob*
Well written, good story line, NEED MORE VEGETA AND BULMA ACTION!
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