Just In
for Broken Butterfly

3/8/2004 c1 vane
wierd, for foul language, I see some but i don't read any rape or anything in detail, did u just start this? LOL o I see
2/29/2004 c1 me
sounds good so far. I hope you update soon.
2/29/2004 c1 iceangel1991
wow...that was really good, I can't wait until you write some more...
keep up the good work!
~xox~ buh bye
2/28/2004 c1 4wyldheart
Oh, wow. I've become a total sucker for angst lately, and this sounds like it will be an amazing story. Helga's emotions are vivid and well-described, and it's already heartbreaking to read. Looking forward to the next chapter!

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