Just In
for Hermione Sandwich

12/12/2008 c8 sjrodgers23
loved it please come back and write the rest of this story I love it so far thank you
12/27/2007 c8 Megan Consoer
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
7/6/2006 c8 2Tzefira
Great story! But its been almost two years since you've updated! AH! Well, I can only hope you'll update, please, pretty please? :) I'm putting this on story alert, so I expect an update!
4/4/2006 c3 Lauren Harvey
I believe that it is apparate, not apparat.
3/13/2006 c8 1iluvbryce
you are an evil genius you know that? like the story but for god's sake woman update!

2/20/2006 c8 2Purinsesu Mu-n
that was a really great story, I hope you didn't leave just there. Until then
12/29/2005 c3 spell checker
9/13/2005 c5 9Captain Cheese
Im confused, some people have reviewed for chapter nine but there is no chapter nine
9/13/2005 c8 Captain Cheese
Oh update, please update!
9/13/2005 c7 Captain Cheese
o what is it that Ginny wants
9/13/2005 c1 Captain Cheese
Lol I love it
8/3/2005 c1 2Mrs-Fred-Weasley13
not muchto say, i started reading it a long time ago...

and so i decided to re-read it cuz you updated since then... and stuff.. but my stupid computer wont let me get to chapter 2, i'll finish it tomorrow! but with what i see you hvennt updated since decemeber of '04, and its august of '05, 4 more months and that'll be a year... please post more! cuz i remember loving it, and so far i really like it...
7/14/2005 c8 cassih89
i love the story and i hope that u will update soon
7/3/2005 c8 4Antanaqui
All I have to say is Hermione rules and that you are now officially obligated to update! Thank you
6/3/2005 c8 3FallingStarsofHope
your story is back? wow! good chappi!
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