Just In
for Tired of Normal

4/27/2012 c1 11LadyNerdyNerf
Mkay, well you've waited plenty long enough to make an update, so you need to update like right now. If you need help or ideas or anything, you let me know I'll do my best but seriously. WHAT THE FRIGGIN HECK! YEARS! COME ON! Update. UPDATE!

Now I want you to listen to my instructions VERY carefully and follow them. Watch Gundam Wing Endless Walts, in subtitles on Youtube. com

Go to Mangafox. com and read the manga for Sailor Moon.

Now reread your FAVORITE gundamwing/sailormoon story.

Now REREAD your story.

I promise, afterall of that you will be inspired and you will update and if anything else, I am at your beck and call. We need more writers back in the gundam wing/sailor moon section. We need updates and finished stories. This is me begging you. Your story is amazing and deserves to be finished. Please do all of the above and PM me if you need my help otherwise I hope to see an update within the month.
6/30/2011 c15 14MinakoTrickster
I happened upon this a bit ago and I was positice I left a can slap me if you want. Promise. I love it! I love the idea, the gang and how everyone is fitting. I won't lie...I'm rooting Minako/Trowa all the way. .

Lol, I love the couples and how you mold them and their places in the gang. I love Minako as the tattoo artist. I think it would be fun. I can't wait for more.

There were some typos or spelling mistakes, but nothing major. Thank you and I hope to read more soon!
9/21/2010 c15 Guest
i love the story. really great though mina should evenntually get higher she is the one with the leadership abilities and strategies etc (being leader of the inner scouts) Mina and trowa should be the couple but a triangle would be very amusing. please please please update soon!
5/4/2010 c15 minako
love the story heaps! i really really really can't wait fotr the next chapter especially if it focuses on Minako and finally reveals who will be her love interest. I hope for trowa but the love triangle also sounds interesting but if that happens what about mako? does she just not get a love interest. please update soon by the great reviews you have been giving i can tell many are waiting for a new chapter (me included!) please update!
2/26/2010 c15 v
please update this story! it is really fantastic and has a good storyline different than others couple Mina and Trowa! or have like a triangle with trowa/mina/wufei! update please!
1/31/2010 c15 MxT
wow fantastic story. the writing flows so well and it is an original storyline. I really hope you update it and soon! i hope mina and trowa are together! but i also like the idea of the wufei/mina/trowa triangle. update soon!
9/22/2009 c15 groovey
please please please update this story! i am begging you its too fantastic to stop. luv the way you get all chracters in and cameo roles too. i wish there was a bit more minako and trowa though... please make them a couple! or have a triangle between wufei/mina/trowa but with trowa and mina untimately ending up together! please update soon
9/11/2009 c15 minatrowa
Love the story hope ya update soon. Have coupling of mina trowa and more of them! please!
7/14/2009 c15 18Venusian Angel
this is a great story so far... mina is my personal fav so im glad to see a story with her as a main character since ppl tend to focus alot more on usagi which i dont dislike but i dont like either :P i also hope that mina ends up with trowa coz then makoto can have wufei so she isnt alone coz thats jst sad :( i do really love this story :D keep writing
7/8/2009 c15 Requiem of Fire
I was so happy when I read that bit in your authors note :]

The chapter was good, and the concept of the story is good as well. I really love the Rei/Heero, because let's face it, they are one of my favorite couples in any fandom. I am happy for you that you have begun to get back into the fanfiction groove, and I hope to see another update from you soon.

7/5/2009 c15 4reina shirahime
wah! i never expected an update, this made me really happy...♥, im still thinking about minako and who she'll end up with...i like the update, the thrill makes me happy.
6/21/2008 c14 tiffany
i been waiting for the next chapter for like ever. please put it up
6/16/2007 c14 Miss.Cena
I Love this story I love to read this story i dont care if i already read it i still read it lol I would like to see Mina with Trowa :) they seem perfect for eachother so PLEASE PUT THEM TOGETHER :) PLEASE UPDATE I SO WANT TO READ WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT! :)
5/15/2007 c14 Rosabella
NO! CLiffhanger!
3/27/2007 c14 24Spirit of the Dead
Can you honestly make a bad chapter? I don't think you can. Again you have wowed the crowd. Can't wait to see how these next missions go. Aw Minako and Hotaru still haven't gotten their first kisses, can't wait to see that too. Please update again as soon as you can. Ja ne

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