Just In
for The Heart's Solemn Vow

9/9/2010 c1 justme467
What the reviewer said below me! It's been 5 years since you last updated which is by the way the day of my bday (april 14) and I too shall wait patiently till you update again!

I hope you haven't abandoned this story. In honest truth it's the best, most believable, and well developed story I've ever read for the Tenchi Muyo series. I love how Ayeka here has become independent and can live a life outside of Tenchi. You gave her REAL character.

Anyways, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeeeeeee soooon ;D

2/17/2008 c9 39love comes and goes
I remember, way back when I was a young lass on Fanfiction and I was fixated on Tenchi Muyo. So now I'm back and loving this story (again). Just like I was back then, I will wait patiently for the next chapter of this story. So until then (whenever that is) I hope you update real soon!
3/6/2007 c9 reviewer
Pleas update soon, just give us at least half of one chapter, please. *gives puppy dog eyes*
1/31/2007 c9 lazyreviewer
I read the whole story again and it's about time I review. Originality is one of the reasons why I like this story. I just love the concept of Ayeka living in the city. The usual Ayeka-goes-off-to-space plot was getting boring. And I hope we're not getting to the end yet, I would love to see a whole more. Update soon.
11/2/2006 c1 ayekatenchi fan
This sounds pathetic, but I'm in tears. Poor Ayeka! The story is sad but I hope it gets better...
7/21/2006 c9 gizmo
GREAT! Cool! Awesome! FANTASTERIFIC! But please update this story rocks!XD
6/30/2006 c9 classygyrl
Please Update. My sisters driving me crazy about it.Thanx
6/17/2006 c9 revolutionist
Please update. If your having writers block or something please tell your readers because it has been over a year and you still have done nothing with this wonderful story. See ya!
12/22/2005 c1 loyalhero90
This story is fantastic but could you please finish it or at least put up chp. 10. thank you.
11/21/2005 c1 OraOfWaterAndIce
Can u update?PLEASE?Well good luck!A lot of people love your story!Please continue!Ja Ne or See You Later!
11/13/2005 c1 loyalhero90
this is the best T&A fanfiction that Ihave ever read but can you finish this one, I mean I really want to know the ending.
10/7/2005 c9 loyalhero90
This is a terrific story but can you please finish this!
9/28/2005 c9 xmtea
YAY! i found the story i was recomended :K finally! x.x it was soo backlagged!
9/3/2005 c9 Catty Flower Child
...UH OH, SpaghettiOs!

8/17/2005 c9 xXeViLdOlLyXx
i thought the story is extremely good so far.i am just dissapointed that the story isn't finished yet.i really can't wait until i see the ending.the anticipation is killing me!i think this is one of the pest T+A fanfictions i have ever read so far!keep at it!
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