Just In
for Noble Light

11/21/2011 c6 FallenAngelCas
Update, Update, Update. And did I say update? No? Then I'll say it, please update!
2/13/2007 c6 more please
Ilove this story so much, please finish!
2/13/2007 c3 argh XD
so cute!
2/13/2007 c1 yay
I love this chapter, can't wait to read the rest!
1/21/2007 c1 Dark Angel Rath
I LOVE your story! Please have Rath end up with Bierrez! Ther my favoret. I love how Rath is the girl in the relationship in any paring. It workes better.;) The Bierrez lusting over Rath thing is greate! Please have tham end up together! I love RathXRune relationships too But RathXBierrez Is better. At least I think that.:) Also. UPDATE SOON DAMMIT! I LOVE this story please finish it son!
8/7/2006 c6 maria
Por Rune! I can't belive Rath did that. Aw I just felt bad fo Rune and he was crying.
5/30/2006 c6 misty
stupid rath! i felt so bad for rune. rath better have a good reason for doing what he did.
5/30/2006 c6 Azure-chan
WAH! That was TOO sad!*sniffle* I HATE Rath more than ever now! BWA AH AH AH AHA HA HA! *grabs rath n slice n dice n-rath to a million n so pieces* Poor Runey-kun...he's too cute...
2/3/2006 c5 3Black Rose of Wilmington
Aw...why the cliff hangers?

1/22/2006 c1 xxDKGurlxx
Wait,there was a lemon?AW MAN!I MISSED THE LEMON!
1/20/2006 c5 unamed
YEY! Update again soon please!
1/13/2006 c5 Minea
Aw. Poor Rune! What the hell is Rath doing kissing him back? I feel so bad for Rune. Sniff,Sniff. Update when you can.
11/23/2005 c4 Lady Cyllan
I'm falling in love with your story, I haven't read much DK fictions before, but I'm already favoring the RathRune pairing because of you. ^_^;; I'll be watching for the next update!
11/5/2005 c4 drowning faith
that was really good i liked it alot keep up the good work or i will have to find you and then gut you like a fish. (smiles sweetly)just kidding
11/1/2005 c4 Beautyheart18
I like your story! Can you please update?
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