Just In
for Reunion

6/22/2001 c3 2Cherry Seraphym
YES YOU SHOULD CONTINUE! This is some really nice work. By the way, that spaz girl thing was in a "baby sitters club" book , so you might want to mention in the next chapter that you don't own that either. (no offence or anything of the sort.) Speaking of which, get the next chapter out soon! This is a great story! I love the characterization in this, and it's all very realistic!
5/26/2001 c3 duncan21
4/20/2001 c3 Ka-Ling
^^ Kewl! I like it so far! Keep writing!
4/10/2001 c3 10Lillica
Cute, I think you should continue! Thanks for reviewing my fic that I entered into your contest ^_^ One problem though, I never received the e-mail with further directions that you said you would send...
4/7/2001 c3 the girl trapped in a dream
HURRY UP AND FINISH! It's good! BTW: Thanks for reviewing my fic! =D
4/3/2001 c1 Yuki
to answer that question...: Well, I don't know, really...they aren't all that long, actually, but I my first three days of Spring Break, I wrote around 7 fics and chapters and the rest two days I wrote 3 6pg chapters of Jewel Quest..., my 20 chap story. It seems easy to me..I get stuck to the computer and can't stop writing. I haven't been writing for the past weekend since Friday, but I'll start again tomorrow since my friends r urging me too...well, that's my story. Hope you liked my stories. I just realized that Nothing But Ashes and some of the fics I entered are unfinished *grabs mouth, oops* Although I like the cliff hangers to I'm gonna try to get them done first and post them over the weekend. Well, ttyl, bye!
2/24/2001 c3 ks
ahh, write more!
2/9/2001 c3 Juli Comando ashamed to be reviewing again stupid Julie
I am waiting for the next ficcy! (have this one out sooner than the last!) -@.@- ooo suspense is building! -_~
2/9/2001 c2 Meikari
really good,but I still think Daisuke wouldn't be THAT mean!
2/9/2001 c1 Meikari
Oh,oh,Mandie-chan!thanks for dedicating this to me!it's really good.I can't believe the little minor changes that are between my version and yours!
2/8/2001 c2 3Ama Koneko
Stop writing? No way! keep this up, i'm totally hooked on it. Write the fourth part already! ^_^
2/7/2001 c3 50Robster80
Hurry up with part 4! I smell a spiky haired rat!
2/7/2001 c3 3RadicalRavenclaw
hey everybody! ::waves:: thankies for reviewing! if there's any spelling mistakes, sorry about that cuz i was kinda in a rush this afternoon when i was finishing this up as i had to go to the doctor. whew. all in one breath! catch y'all round! ~*IAC*~
2/7/2001 c3 1Takari 4 Life
Long fic are bad. I like reading long fics, as long as they are good ones, and this was a good fic. You have to continue on with this fic. I want to know what happens. Don't leave me hangin... Takari 4 Life!
2/7/2001 c3 15AngelicFairy
first, thanks for dedicating it too me again along with the other readers. and now, who cares if it's long? u know me! long is good! and of course u should continue girl! i wanna know wat happens with the whole "spaz-girl" thing! i can't wait to read part 4! ^_~ *Maura*
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