Just In
for Eternity of the Moon

9/2/2005 c12 2din diddy dums
wow! great chapter...update soon
8/7/2005 c12 veronica155
it's a great chapter

hope you'll update soon :)
8/6/2005 c12 4shinta arctic assasin
hey rei-chan,

long time no talk huh? i hope your doing well. this chapter was cool. i hope u update soon. gotta go, ja
8/6/2005 c12 distanceswimmer
Yey! an update! I was so excited when I saw this had ben updated. It was a great update, can't wait to find out what happens with Rei/Eternity! Update soon!
8/4/2005 c11 mina
O nice story umm lol i love it hahaha. update the next one soon please for me ;)
7/9/2005 c2 veronica155
don't want to put you in pressure has been quite a know :)
6/14/2005 c11 2din diddy dums
i would say that you make a seiya/rei fic and make mamoru jealous.hehehe though i think your ideas would be much better than mine so YOU DECIDE :D

Bye (update soon)
6/2/2005 c11 GoddessOfWar101
Poor Rei this has to be hard on her dealing with everything at once. I think your story is really interesting and I hope you update soon! I just cant wait to read what happens in the battle.
5/8/2005 c11 MariKris
good chapter! Yeah i must say that i was really dissapointed by how the pairings came out in the anime... anyways, please update soon!
4/27/2005 c11 4shinta arctic assasin
hey this is shinta,

the chapters not as bad as u think, i hope u update soon. opps i gotta go, ja
4/23/2005 c11 4Princess Ren
Great! What's next! It seems that Seiya is getting jealous... post soon! Keep up the good work! ^_^
4/23/2005 c11 285Silver Sailor Ganymede
YAY! You've updated ^^. I agree with you on the fact that in the show Rei and Mamoru's relationship was cut short as if Rei's feelings didn't matter.

Can't wait for the next chapter

~ Silver Sailor Ganymede ~
4/22/2005 c11 1number three
rei\mamoru i love the pairing...oh...anyways COOL chapters
4/22/2005 c4 veronica155
oh yes... and i am fine with every pairing with rei

rei\mamoru,rei\seiya or anyone but like you say in the anime what happened with rei was not fair at all and i like the way the story is going anyway
4/22/2005 c11 veronica155
are you kidding ...i love this chapter(and the story):)

continue please :) (and quick)
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