Just In
for Eternity of the Moon

4/22/2005 c1 veronica155
like PyroRie sail it's been over a week...

please update i am dieing to know what is ganna happen next
4/20/2005 c1 8PyroRei
uhh... t's been ova a week! ur driving ur readers crazy! update! it soo good! seiya and Rei forever!
4/12/2005 c10 veronica155
YAY! LAST another chapter(it seems like forever) ..the chapters great as usual and please update soon the next one :)
4/11/2005 c10 4Princess Ren
At last! Another chapter! I'm glad that you finally posted this! I really love this! What's next! Who will Rei end up with! Post soon! Keep up the good work! ^_^
4/10/2005 c10 4shinta arctic assasin
hey rei-chan,

your story is going great. i hope u keep that promise about updating soon, i can't wait. please keep this story going and i hope i can talk to u soon. ja
4/10/2005 c10 285Silver Sailor Ganymede
This is a very good fan fiction AND an unusual idea, well done ^^V.

However, I did notice that you keep putting 'TREAT' where it should be 'THREAT'.

Anyway, well done and contine.

Silver Sailor Ganymede
4/1/2005 c9 mimi-chan
please,please please update. it's goin' great
3/11/2005 c9 1number three
ohh...i am so sory for not reviewing for so long and fo so many chpters but i have to say this is is goin' pretty well...i really feel sorry for raye.hope somebody can help her anyways please update soon ...i'll be waiting for it :)
3/6/2005 c9 4Princess Ren
I love you story! Post soon! Keep up the good work! ^_^
3/1/2005 c9 17FlyingFox87
So, Rei is Eternity. Poor Rei. But does that mean that something happened between her and Endymion back in the Silver Millenium? What a jerk Arius is! I hope Serena can help Rei.
2/28/2005 c9 anyonomous
I think your story has a wonderful plot, and I greatly enjoy reading it. Thank you for such a vivid imagination :o)
2/28/2005 c9 veronica155
IT'S GREAT, really have put raye on the right place ...i love this fic. please continue soon
2/27/2005 c9 4shinta arctic assasin
hey reijin,

just wanted to tell ya that its still great. i hope u update soon, i can't wait till then. anyway i hope we can talk again soon. ja
2/27/2005 c9 2YuLinG
Nice story. I like the way you put Rei as a powerfull being. Between 'Good and Evil', Angel and Demon. It really suits her. Keep on the good work.
2/2/2005 c8 2neptune-kitty
Great story you have here, i really like it, my only complaint is it's too short =:^-^:= I really like they way you protray Rei. It's very well writting. I was really shocked you did have more reviews, but i figured out why, you have ur Fic so it won't take reviews from non-members, i'm sure if you change that you will be swimming in reviews. anyways, keep up the great work and update soon! Have a nice day!

neptune_kitty =^-^=
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