4/22/2005 c1 veronica155
like PyroRie sail it's been over a week...
please update i am dieing to know what is ganna happen next
like PyroRie sail it's been over a week...
please update i am dieing to know what is ganna happen next
4/20/2005 c1
uhh... t's been ova a week! ur driving ur readers crazy! update! it soo good! seiya and Rei forever!

uhh... t's been ova a week! ur driving ur readers crazy! update! it soo good! seiya and Rei forever!
4/12/2005 c10 veronica155
YAY!...at LAST another chapter(it seems like forever) ..the chapters great as usual and please update soon the next one :)
YAY!...at LAST another chapter(it seems like forever) ..the chapters great as usual and please update soon the next one :)
4/11/2005 c10
4Princess Ren
At last! Another chapter! I'm glad that you finally posted this! I really love this! What's next! Who will Rei end up with! Post soon! Keep up the good work! ^_^

At last! Another chapter! I'm glad that you finally posted this! I really love this! What's next! Who will Rei end up with! Post soon! Keep up the good work! ^_^
4/10/2005 c10
4shinta arctic assasin
hey rei-chan,
your story is going great. i hope u keep that promise about updating soon, i can't wait. please keep this story going and i hope i can talk to u soon. ja

hey rei-chan,
your story is going great. i hope u keep that promise about updating soon, i can't wait. please keep this story going and i hope i can talk to u soon. ja
4/10/2005 c10
285Silver Sailor Ganymede
This is a very good fan fiction AND an unusual idea, well done ^^V.
However, I did notice that you keep putting 'TREAT' where it should be 'THREAT'.
Anyway, well done and contine.
Silver Sailor Ganymede

This is a very good fan fiction AND an unusual idea, well done ^^V.
However, I did notice that you keep putting 'TREAT' where it should be 'THREAT'.
Anyway, well done and contine.
Silver Sailor Ganymede
4/1/2005 c9 mimi-chan
please,please please update. it's goin' great
please,please please update. it's goin' great
3/11/2005 c9
1number three
ohh...i am so sory for not reviewing for so long and fo so many chpters but i have to say this is is goin' pretty well...i really feel sorry for raye.hope somebody can help her anyways please update soon ...i'll be waiting for it :)

ohh...i am so sory for not reviewing for so long and fo so many chpters but i have to say this is is goin' pretty well...i really feel sorry for raye.hope somebody can help her anyways please update soon ...i'll be waiting for it :)
3/1/2005 c9
So, Rei is Eternity. Poor Rei. But does that mean that something happened between her and Endymion back in the Silver Millenium? What a jerk Arius is! I hope Serena can help Rei.

So, Rei is Eternity. Poor Rei. But does that mean that something happened between her and Endymion back in the Silver Millenium? What a jerk Arius is! I hope Serena can help Rei.
2/28/2005 c9 anyonomous
I think your story has a wonderful plot, and I greatly enjoy reading it. Thank you for such a vivid imagination :o)
I think your story has a wonderful plot, and I greatly enjoy reading it. Thank you for such a vivid imagination :o)
2/28/2005 c9 veronica155
IT'S GREAT,FANTASTIC...you really have put raye on the right place ...i love this fic. please continue soon
IT'S GREAT,FANTASTIC...you really have put raye on the right place ...i love this fic. please continue soon
2/27/2005 c9
4shinta arctic assasin
hey reijin,
just wanted to tell ya that its still great. i hope u update soon, i can't wait till then. anyway i hope we can talk again soon. ja

hey reijin,
just wanted to tell ya that its still great. i hope u update soon, i can't wait till then. anyway i hope we can talk again soon. ja
2/27/2005 c9
Nice story. I like the way you put Rei as a powerfull being. Between 'Good and Evil', Angel and Demon. It really suits her. Keep on the good work.

Nice story. I like the way you put Rei as a powerfull being. Between 'Good and Evil', Angel and Demon. It really suits her. Keep on the good work.
2/2/2005 c8
Great story you have here, i really like it, my only complaint is it's too short =:^-^:= I really like they way you protray Rei. It's very well writting. I was really shocked you did have more reviews, but i figured out why, you have ur Fic so it won't take reviews from non-members, i'm sure if you change that you will be swimming in reviews. anyways, keep up the great work and update soon! Have a nice day!
neptune_kitty =^-^=

Great story you have here, i really like it, my only complaint is it's too short =:^-^:= I really like they way you protray Rei. It's very well writting. I was really shocked you did have more reviews, but i figured out why, you have ur Fic so it won't take reviews from non-members, i'm sure if you change that you will be swimming in reviews. anyways, keep up the great work and update soon! Have a nice day!
neptune_kitty =^-^=