Just In
for Eternity of the Moon

2/2/2005 c8 veronica155
o it's great ...

update please
2/1/2005 c8 2firemisstress47
NO! CLIFFY! you had better update soon or else I will hunt you down and force you to do something evil! AHAHAHAHAHAH! lol! anyways great story update soon!
2/1/2005 c8 17FlyingFox87
Wow! I guess Mars is Eternity then huh? Does this mean Rei no longer exists or something? Can't wait til your next update. Don't worry about not updating sooner, I didn't update my story for months...had loads of stuff going on.
11/12/2004 c7 veronica155
it's great

plz update soon
11/12/2004 c7 4shinta arctic assasin
hey reijin,

its me again. i just want to tell ya that i'm thankful for updating. its still great as ever. ^-^. i hope that you'll update soon well gotta go oh and if u want to read my other chapters of my story just ask ok? thanks again. bye!
11/12/2004 c7 17FlyingFox87
Mars is a Eternity guardian! Cool...but who is the actual Eternity? I love your story! Please update again soon :)!
11/1/2004 c6 4Angel Of Sorrow
i'm starting to like this fic. a lot. ^_^ hope you update it soon!
10/26/2004 c6 2firemisstress47
great story! i like they way that you have Mars join with the outers and fit her so well in with them. I'm a lil confused on who eternity is though... is it Rei or someone else? update soon so i can figure it out! ;)
10/26/2004 c6 4shinta arctic assasin
hello again. i just wanted to say that was cool and sad about the break up, but it was your idea and you followed through with it and it worked out so ya. well hope you update soon and i left you some emils too so ya bye. ^-^
10/26/2004 c6 shades of life
i am in a hurry all i have to say is it's great
10/23/2004 c6 1number three
it's one of the bestest fics...I was willing to ask you that rei is eternity, right? i really got confused here... bytheway don't stop the fic now ok coz it's one of my favorite fics...and update soon again :)
10/23/2004 c6 veronica155
it's really great...Thank you so much for not abandoning this fic it's lovely ... i think your own ideas will be better then mine :) but then again i am not that good in these kinda of things... continue soon please
10/19/2004 c5 shades of life
it's fantastic.sailor mars and the outer do really seems like a family . continue please
10/19/2004 c5 number three
oh...please it's great ...please don't stop it... it's one of a kind ...a brilliant piece of work..i love it ALOT ...hope to hear from you soon and please update soon i CAN"T wait another chapter and make it bigger (well it's not an order ;)) plz :)
10/19/2004 c5 veronica155
it's great..plz continue
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