Just In
for Eternity of the Moon

10/18/2004 c5 4shinta arctic assasin
ok first off i really like your fanfiction and it's one of the best i have ever read. i would really like it of you if you could update and contine your story. that would be great ^-^. any way um the second thing i would like to ask of you is can you give me some advise. you see i have a story i created myself and i'm not so sure if i should post it or not. it'll be my first story and i just got done registuring my name and i was wondering if you can give me some advise or not so if you can that would be great my e-mail adress is inuyasha563@ if not that would be ok too well that's all i had to say but also that story of yours is the best i have seen so bye. SEE YA! ^-^
7/4/2004 c5 1SailorCrystalMoon16
urgh! I kinda don't like this story im sorry! :( it's just im so used to rei being with inners not outers and now its just oh i dont know but i like they way you write it.


6/1/2004 c4 4Angel Of Sorrow
not a bad chapter. i'll be waiting for the next one, but make sure you proofread your work before posting.
5/8/2004 c3 9mystlady
This is a really great Setsuna-san and Rei-chan fic...
5/2/2004 c2 2neptune-kitty
great story, it's very different from most of the sailor mars stroies that are out there, but change is good. i really like ur approach, this is going to be a very good story, i can tell already. keep up the good work! can't wait for the next chapter!
ur friend
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