Just In
for Baker Street Irregulars

4/27/2004 c1 2ako-si-feeYoWnah
i really enjoyed reading your story... can't wait for the next chapter!
4/26/2004 c1 Wolfheart
Great part I really enjoy the fic so far. Can't wait to see how they bust him out, PLEASE update it soon.
keep on writing
4/26/2004 c1 7Leah6
wow, never read a story quite like this but i really like it! cant wait for the next chapter. you are a very talented writer. update soon! i love it. -leah
4/26/2004 c1 Kokomo44
awesome start for a story.. i can tell this is gonna be one freaking good story... I can't wait to see Harry blow stuff up... 3 Doors Down i friggin awesome... I love them.. umm i hope u do update soon bcuz i want Harry to get violent.. hehe... like i said before.. its a great start for an awesome story!
4/26/2004 c1 54SeulWolfe
I really HATE Fudge.. If Harry blows up anything.. make sure He's in it?
this fic sounds like an adventure..
I'm ready for the ride..
4/26/2004 c1 Salazar
Good Idea. Update soon.
Here's an idea, though: Have harry escape by himself after months of practicing to be an animagus in his cell (he doesn't know how, but he has an idea, and it works). Form should be a vampire, with all the powers included. Robs a store and gets hold of money and a muggle handgun. runs from ministry members into Underground. Gets out by getting off at a station and runing above ground. Ministry members get too close to a bus, which he blows up in their faces by shooting out its gass tanks. hides in muggle world under different identity and changing his appearance + new wand. practices all forms of magic and muggle fighting to become extreemly powerful. gets teaching job at Hogwarts as DADA prefessor (hermione should be Transfiguration professor). harry's friends know and starts secret organization to fight Voldemort in muggle garilla warfare + magic style(organization called 'The Syndicate'). joins OTP under assumed identity of 'Daimien Andrews, 19, of London England'. Gets to final showdown and defeats Voldemort. indentity revealed and story over with happy ending.
give me credit if you do it.
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