Just In
for I love you, Cole

1/12/2005 c16 11GeminiPiper
OMG! This is so good! I'm usually a Piper Leo fan, but I love PiperCole too! Anyway, you have to keep this up! Its' going on my favs and so are u!
7/12/2004 c16 9tessalynne
Excellant, you have left the readers with enough questions to keep them reading. Great job.
6/14/2004 c16 versatilecutie
oh please, please continue. before, i didn't like piper/cole fics,i just find it ridiculous, or not good, but now i do! thanks to you & grantingtroyturner. keep it up! thanks!
6/8/2004 c15 tessalynne
Excellant 3 chapters. Sorry I have been remiss in reviews this week. Lots of intrigue and I am on the edge of my seat.
6/8/2004 c15 9Maricole
This is getting exiting - I am really enjoying your story. I hate Phoebe, she's a bitch!
6/7/2004 c15 Charmed Fan
WHAT! You have got to be joking right. Oh my god that came right out of left field, and I loved it. I can't wait to find out if Pheobe is really pregnant or if maybe she's using it as a ploy to get Cole back. I can't wait for more Piper/Cole interaction. I am truely loving this story you guy's. Keep up the great work and continue to update.
6/6/2004 c14 Charmed Fan
Whoa, major revalations! Pheobe and Leo sleeping together and then Pheobe has the nerve to say that Piper is the one who is cheating on Leo. I liked the Piper Paige interaction, they're sisters and I hope that Paige will take Pipers side and give her some support. Please update soon, you cannot leave me hanging like that. I have to know how the Pipers baby belongs to Cole. I absolutly love this story, the two of you are doing such a great job on it, I can't wait for more. :)
6/5/2004 c14 ilove
WOW! You're story is amazing. Update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next! I just love Piper/Cole fics.
6/5/2004 c14 Tilius
Wow. That was great. The baby is Cole and Pipers. Didn’t expect it but it made the story so much better. Really sweet. True love never dies. Hope you update soon and let us follow this amazing journey.
6/4/2004 c14 1love-shannen
wow good chapter! but how could it be cole and pipers son? anyway, hope you guys update soon.
6/2/2004 c13 Charmed Fan
Oh that was so good thank you two so much for updating so quickly. That was a close one I'm so happy that Piper's baby wanted to save Cole as much as she did, I really hope Pheobe gets what's coming to her. And this angst you guy's is killing me, really. I love it, but it's still so hard to stand *smiles*. Keep up the great work and update again.
6/1/2004 c12 9tessalynne
Another wonderful Chapter you two. Please don't kill Cole. pleeaasse. *lol* I can't wait to see what happens next and am very disappointed in Leo's heartlessness. Re your authors note: I too love all the stories you mentioned.
5/29/2004 c12 Tilius
Damn Leo. Now I really hate him. Hope Cole can see throw Phoebe and make her pay. Looking forward to see how it turns out so come back soon with a new part.
5/28/2004 c11 Charmed Fan
Oh, I'm so glad you updated I wasn't expecting so soon but thank you anyway. Both of you did a great job on this chapter and I'm hanging on by my seat waiting for the next chapter. I need more Piper and Cole loving, please continue.
5/27/2004 c11 Tilius
Loved the new chapter. Describes Phoebe perfectly. Always hated her in the show. Hope Piper and Cole can be together one day but in the meantime please come back with a new part.
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