5/26/2004 c11 jen
this is such a good story. what other stories have piper/ cole in them?
this is such a good story. what other stories have piper/ cole in them?
5/26/2004 c11
Another great chapter. An excellant job of showing how Phoebe's unwillingness to accept responsibility for her own actions usually leads to trouble. Can't wait to see what will happen next.

Another great chapter. An excellant job of showing how Phoebe's unwillingness to accept responsibility for her own actions usually leads to trouble. Can't wait to see what will happen next.
5/24/2004 c10 Charmed Fan
I am so glad that I read your story, I absolutely love the plot. I loved the ending of part 5 of murder in bed it was so great, please update soon this is becoming one of my favorite Piper/Cole fics. And I'm so glad you're teaming up with Grantingtroyturner, the two of you combined will be great. I can't wait to read more.
I am so glad that I read your story, I absolutely love the plot. I loved the ending of part 5 of murder in bed it was so great, please update soon this is becoming one of my favorite Piper/Cole fics. And I'm so glad you're teaming up with Grantingtroyturner, the two of you combined will be great. I can't wait to read more.
5/24/2004 c10 Tilius
Great new part. It’s so tragically to see that Cole and Piper can’t be together. Thanks for the summaries about Chris. Liked how Cole ditched Phoebe. Hope you update soon.
Great new part. It’s so tragically to see that Cole and Piper can’t be together. Thanks for the summaries about Chris. Liked how Cole ditched Phoebe. Hope you update soon.
5/23/2004 c10 tessalynne
Ah the plot thickens yet again. *lol* Looking forward to finding out what Chris is up to. Phoebe just needs to stay away from Cole. Looking forward to more and congrats on your new co-writer the two of you should really make this story great.
Ah the plot thickens yet again. *lol* Looking forward to finding out what Chris is up to. Phoebe just needs to stay away from Cole. Looking forward to more and congrats on your new co-writer the two of you should really make this story great.
5/23/2004 c10
Glad to be on board. It must be hard for Piper and Cole to part but they don't want to be selfish and hurt LEo.
But i know their love will prevail and Leo just has to get over it.

Glad to be on board. It must be hard for Piper and Cole to part but they don't want to be selfish and hurt LEo.
But i know their love will prevail and Leo just has to get over it.
5/22/2004 c9 Tilius
I started to read the story today and it seemed promising so I continued to read it. I think you captured Paige and Phoebe true self’s very well. Total sluts. Hate them. I love the Cole/Piper pairing. They really fit together and I hope they will become a real couple soon. Hmm, and what is Chris up to? I haven’t seen season six so I don’t know that much about him but I hope I will manage with what I know. The reason that I haven’t seen that season six is for me pretty clear to me. No Cole. After Cole died I last all interest in the show so it is really good to see fan fiction with Cole in them. I want to kill the writer that decided that Cole should die.
I really like the whole plotline for the story and what you have written so far. Don’t take this the wrong way but I think it would do the story some good if you got a beta for it. There are some spelling and grammar errors in the story that should be rather easy to correct. They can be really hard to see when you are writing but pretty easy to notice as a reader so I believe a beta would be good.
Don’t kick me for that. It wasn’t anything negative against the story just a suggestion to make it a little better. You have definitely got me hooked to the story so I hope a new part will come out soon.
I started to read the story today and it seemed promising so I continued to read it. I think you captured Paige and Phoebe true self’s very well. Total sluts. Hate them. I love the Cole/Piper pairing. They really fit together and I hope they will become a real couple soon. Hmm, and what is Chris up to? I haven’t seen season six so I don’t know that much about him but I hope I will manage with what I know. The reason that I haven’t seen that season six is for me pretty clear to me. No Cole. After Cole died I last all interest in the show so it is really good to see fan fiction with Cole in them. I want to kill the writer that decided that Cole should die.
I really like the whole plotline for the story and what you have written so far. Don’t take this the wrong way but I think it would do the story some good if you got a beta for it. There are some spelling and grammar errors in the story that should be rather easy to correct. They can be really hard to see when you are writing but pretty easy to notice as a reader so I believe a beta would be good.
Don’t kick me for that. It wasn’t anything negative against the story just a suggestion to make it a little better. You have definitely got me hooked to the story so I hope a new part will come out soon.
5/22/2004 c9
Loved your chapter! Does Cole know about their past together? Please continue very soon!

Loved your chapter! Does Cole know about their past together? Please continue very soon!
5/22/2004 c9 Siamese
Hey Charmed Snow!
So sorry I haven't reviewed in so long. I do so enjoy your stories and this one is especially intriguing.
So now Cole knows. And Piper knows that he knows about the knife and how she(Piper)feels about him. The next chapter should be very interesting.
I will try to review when I can. I have gone back to school and am not home much. The school computers will let me read at FFNet, but I can't post reviews. Still, know that I am always reading your updates and that I think that you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work!
Hey Charmed Snow!
So sorry I haven't reviewed in so long. I do so enjoy your stories and this one is especially intriguing.
So now Cole knows. And Piper knows that he knows about the knife and how she(Piper)feels about him. The next chapter should be very interesting.
I will try to review when I can. I have gone back to school and am not home much. The school computers will let me read at FFNet, but I can't post reviews. Still, know that I am always reading your updates and that I think that you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work!
5/22/2004 c9
wonderful. So glad that Piper told, but now can she convince him to quit going along with the plan to kill him. Being loved is usually a pretty good reason to live.*lol* Love that you update regularly and hope for more soon.

wonderful. So glad that Piper told, but now can she convince him to quit going along with the plan to kill him. Being loved is usually a pretty good reason to live.*lol* Love that you update regularly and hope for more soon.
5/22/2004 c9
That was so sweet. So are Piper and Cole together! Piper should right hook Phoebe! Will feel sorry for Leo just a little bit but i'm glad for Piper and Cole...
Poor Cole he knew all along and risked his life again. Please update soon...

That was so sweet. So are Piper and Cole together! Piper should right hook Phoebe! Will feel sorry for Leo just a little bit but i'm glad for Piper and Cole...
Poor Cole he knew all along and risked his life again. Please update soon...
5/20/2004 c8 michelle
go on
go on
5/20/2004 c8
Another wonderful chapter. Was grateful that Piper managed to thwart the planned murder. Isn't it so typical that Cole doesn't hesitate to rush off to the rescue. And all Phoebe can think about is not letting Piper be alone with Cole to mess up her plan. Looking forward to more.

Another wonderful chapter. Was grateful that Piper managed to thwart the planned murder. Isn't it so typical that Cole doesn't hesitate to rush off to the rescue. And all Phoebe can think about is not letting Piper be alone with Cole to mess up her plan. Looking forward to more.
5/20/2004 c8
Wow this chapter was awesome. Freebie is so busted. Hope Cole saves Piper. Chris is the big baddie huh, so could the baby in Piper's tummy be Cole's? Like the baby from Womb Raider could have transfered himself or this could be the baby from the past.
Thanks for updating soo soon. Please update again!

Wow this chapter was awesome. Freebie is so busted. Hope Cole saves Piper. Chris is the big baddie huh, so could the baby in Piper's tummy be Cole's? Like the baby from Womb Raider could have transfered himself or this could be the baby from the past.
Thanks for updating soo soon. Please update again!