Just In
for I love you, Cole

5/20/2004 c7 9tessalynne
another great couple of chapters here. Was glad to see Piper foil the plan. Hope Cole finds out what's going on soon though cause they are getting uncomfortably close to succeeding at killing him. Liked the nasty little Avatar twist that you threw into the story too. I wonder if they will be able to overcome the manipulation to keep them apart aince it's been going on for so long.
5/19/2004 c7 caterina
God your story is good! I love it and you write amaisingly well! Please continue soon!
5/19/2004 c7 1fishbish
Phoebe's heartless, but I'm sorry, I just can't want Piper and Cole together, because I always want Phoebe and Cole, but you're a really good author, and I've enjoyed this story so far, so please please continue...
oh by the way, I will get them together in mine. Eventually. Thanks for the mention.
5/19/2004 c7 21TheDarkTwistedFantasy
It's frustrating being a writer and not getting alot of reviews for a chapter but you keep writing and thanks very very much for updating quickly. It will be great if you can do it again.
YAY! Piper came to Cole's rescue. Freebie aka Fibber(lol) is so disgusting. In my fics i only have Fibber act human in one or two chapters than make her suffer by making her watch Cole with someone else.
Kudos with "Escape The Demon" it was awesome
I'm dying for a Piper/Cole moment. I have a very cool idea you might want to use if you're not already thinking it. If you want to know my idea just email me...
update soon :)
5/18/2004 c6 TheDarkTwistedFantasy
*SCREAMS* Please update really soon. That explaination of their past lives was really cool. The next chapter is scaring the wits out of me.
Let's see...
Piper and Leo
Piper and Cole
Gosh it's so hard...NOT Piper and Cole duh. Please let her kiss him or something next chapter. Forget about Wyatt.
5/18/2004 c5 Mel
you update too slow
5/17/2004 c5 9tessalynne
good good job here. Can't wait to see what destiny actually holds for Cole and Piper. So nice to see Piper cheating with that yucky potion. Going to be tough for it to work if she keeps not giving it to him. More soon please.
5/17/2004 c5 21TheDarkTwistedFantasy
You're longing for reviews and i'm longing for more chapters. lol. I love this fic and it's funny how you used their real last names. Please please continue. I'm sure Piper'll save Cole in the present time but what about her baby and Leo. What will happen? Oh and can i ask you one teeny favor. Please please vanquish Freebie. lol
5/15/2004 c4 TheDarkTwistedFantasy
That was awesome. I love the lenthy chapter and wish for it to be longer. This story is just awesome. Please update soon and i hope Leo, Paige, and Phoebe gets what's coming to them
5/14/2004 c4 caterina
exellent chapters! the story is really great! please continue son.
5/14/2004 c4 9Maricole
Its getting better and better. I hope that Piper can save Cole, when this horrible plan of poisioning finally weakens him - and he can stop loving Phoebe, who is a bitch!
5/14/2004 c4 michelle
Aww kill Phobe
5/13/2004 c4 Delfine
It's great. I've just read your fiction and it's fantastic. Pls, more soon.
5/12/2004 c3 ashley
great job keep it up i want to hear what is happening
5/11/2004 c3 9tessalynne
Very Good. Liked the dream sequence and was very glad the potion hasn't worked yet, I'll hold out hope that it never will. *lol*
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