Just In
for I love you, Cole

5/11/2004 c3 caterina
Another exellent chapter! Please continue with your so great!
5/10/2004 c3 9Maricole
Another great chapter, please keep going with this - how nasty are Paige and Phoebe and Leo! I love Cole too, and enjoy both your stories.
5/10/2004 c3 michelle
Pheobe needs to be vanquish, lol. Keep writing.
5/10/2004 c3 charmedfan
hey, the story is going great, cant wait to read the next chapter.
5/10/2004 c3 21TheDarkTwistedFantasy
Wait one minute...*right hooks Paige and kicks Phoebe in the the stomach*
Wow that chapter was awesome. I think both of your fics are awesome. Thanks so much for taking YOUR time to write this. You are a great writer so don't be down hearted i know there was some people putting down Forbidden but you know what i'm still writing.
So please update soon this is my second fav Piper and Cole fic...
5/7/2004 c2 CharmedIsTheBest14
please update ur other story this one is not as good (im sorry im just telling you how i feel) im waiting for ur other story to be updated.
A faithful Escape the Demon fan
5/7/2004 c1 ColeIsSexy
plese update your other story. No offence but i like that one much better
5/7/2004 c2 9tessalynne
Aw, so sweet that Piper is at least thinking some of the good Cole thoughts. It's sad that they are deceiving him. Maybe Piper will develop enough of a conscience to stop this before it's too late. Looking forward to more.
5/7/2004 c2 caterina
LOVE YOUR STORY! please continue.
I´m a little iretated how leo, paige and phoebe is acting..poor cole when he is going to find out the pheobe has betrayed him. in your next chapter, can you please do a nice scene with only piper and cole?
I also love the story "Forgiven" and I am sure that your story will be just as great as that one. GOOD LUCK!
5/6/2004 c1 9Maricole
Excellent start, poor poor Cole, and nasty nasty Phoebe! I want to read more..
5/5/2004 c1 21TheDarkTwistedFantasy
Charmed-Snow *cries* Thank you so much i am so happy i'm an inspiration for your fic and i can't wait to see how this plan works out.
That is so cruel of everyone to ambush poor Cole. Phoebe is a byatch. I want to vanquish her.
Please update soon your fics are awesome and seriously in class i was thinking of doing a Piper/Cole fic with something similar to your Escape The Demon.
Keep going...
5/5/2004 c1 2Eladrian
I can review now!
Well, i think that this alternative path will turn out interesting, and i think its also a great start. Me personally, i think that Cole should have stayed, and i kinda like evil, but, i also like Piper, although she always helps to vanquish him, oh well.
GREAT START! Write more, please!
5/5/2004 c1 9tessalynne
Am Really starting to love Piper/Cole stories and as long as you update fairly regularly, I will likely be here until the end. That's a pretty nasty plan that Phoebe has come up with. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here. Nice start.
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