Just In
for A Stranger Kind Of Love

3/20/2006 c10 Apella
awesome chapter
2/21/2006 c9 1missscarfbeard
It's such a good story! Please update soon!
2/1/2006 c9 AnimeOtakuBara
Please update soon
1/28/2006 c9 Eclectic Me
Just writing this review to tell you that I have read and enjoyed thus far. I'm not usually in to romantic fanfics, but this is well-done. I hope you haven't given up on this story. I know how tough life can be, so take your time, but this story is too exciting to give up on!
12/18/2005 c9 65Miss Queen B
Oh. My. God. this is one of the greatest, most jaw dropping story I ever read. Simba and Nala cheating on each other, I'm speechless.

Sorry, if I knew about this story earlier I would have review it more. Sorry again.

Great story, I love it.

Please continue.
12/18/2005 c9 Apella
this chapter is so good
12/18/2005 c9 173HC247
OMG!...Kovu's the father! Wow, never saw hat coming. Great chapter. I wonder how Simba's gonna take the news...probably not to well...Great job again! UPdate soon!
12/17/2005 c8 1missscarfbeard
OMG! This story is wounderful!Please continue,PLEASE!You haven't updated for a long time, and i really like this story!It's good for all the Simba fan-girls out there =^-^=!I would draw a picture of Sakari for you ,but I don't have a scanner and I can't draw on MS Paint.So if I get a scanner,would you like me to draw her for you?
8/8/2005 c8 2RotishaElizabethKate
this is a great fanfic pleez continue i had this idea last night and found it great im glad someone is doing something i enjoy reading! :D
6/29/2005 c8 sulkenwolfpup too lazy to log
Ok, the beginning of this chapter was REALLY funny.

*eats Nala* feh Nala. How mean of you.

And feh to you, too, SunRise! Review Jitimai, and maybe I'll review some of your stuff. Sound like a deal?
6/22/2005 c8 3impossibledreams2007
cool cool story! I can't wait to read the ending of this! so awesome!
6/4/2005 c8 Mooncrisp
AWSOME story, it's so good!
6/3/2005 c6 4Diet Cigarette
Love it all the more! Every chapter gets better! Please update soon!
6/2/2005 c8 Lale Angelica
Sweet! Continue!
6/2/2005 c1 LaleAnglicaSakuraAngelina
I don't know waht possessed me to go on this part of fanfiction, but I'm glad I did. This looks like it's going to be good. Let's see if I'll still like it.
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