Just In
for Thanks to the Boggart

11/23/2007 c1 49Potterworm
yay, i love ron hermione

good story
11/16/2004 c1 21TheSweetestThing
Hm...i know what writer's block is like. I hope you've gotten rid of it.

That was a sweet piece none-the-less. I like it. I'm not one for being entirely original either! But it's still good.
7/29/2004 c1 11MyOwnLittleWorld
Aww, this is sweet. And I thought it was VERY original.
7/2/2004 c1 Concealed
AW! I'm sorry to say that I'm one of those people: "More stories like these!" lol! but, no matter how many you write you can always write more and I'll read them! So, more upon ur "moreness," please, lol!

6/16/2004 c1 monkeys-r-us
Sara likey! There you go again with that Ron/Hermione, but oh well it was sweet and to the point. Buen Trabaja
6/4/2004 c1 15AngelicFairy
OKay this was CUTE! Very nice work! *Maura*
6/4/2004 c1 John Steppenwolf
Good story. Really enjoyed it. I like the subtly of a Ginny/Neville pairing. Thnx.

Keep up the good work.
6/4/2004 c1 19Culf
That was so cute! Loved it.
6/3/2004 c1 3RebelRikki
Aw. Almost makes you want to hug the boggart for getting them together.
6/3/2004 c1 6Tanja88


6/3/2004 c1 73DragonGrin - former TeenTypist
Aw! This was cute. Is it just me or was there a hint of Neville/Ginny in there too? Awesome job!
6/3/2004 c1 plndrm101
Yay! Fluffy! That was really good! Keep up the good work. Maybe next time you can write something other than a one-shot *wink wink*. See tomorrow. I really hope the third movie is better than the first two. Toodles

~Hannah banana
6/3/2004 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
lol, aw aw aw lmao, I think it's ADORABLE!

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