Just In
for A Journey Through the Mind

8/21/2004 c4 12Shandrial
Oh, great story! I love it! And its a very original idea too. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to read more! ^_^ Oh, and the author alert just lets people know when you've updated something.
8/8/2004 c5 Sieg1308
this was great and very interesting. please update soon. sorry for the delay...
8/5/2004 c5 23Hououza
D'oh! Sorry, miss read the last part on the other one. Didn't mean to explain it again...I think it must be because I'm tired atm...

Excellent chapter, this keeps getting better. Be interesting to see who this latest addition is.

Good luck & best wishes,

7/15/2004 c4 3rabidotaku22
We! I know what's coming up! Update soon!
7/14/2004 c4 23Hououza
Excellent chapter!

You really must be sick of me now. That's what, four reviews in one night?

I wonder who their leader is, and how Akane seems to recognise the name. So who is it gonna be?

Look forwards to getting the answer next time.

Good luck & best wishesm

7/14/2004 c4 6The Liz
Oh what's gonna happen to Akane hm? And what's up with the freaky reaction of hers? Update soon!
7/14/2004 c4 3avolare
very intriguing story plot you've conjured up, here. =] please do continue.
7/14/2004 c4 Sieg1308
this was great and very dramatic! please update soon!
7/14/2004 c4 2Brother Angelon
I remember watching a TV show that was very simular in plot to your story...

The Hero fell from a tree house and hit his head sending him into a coma. But for him he woke up in another world where he ended up on a long journey to get back to his mother.

Can't remember that old show's name but it had a pretty cool idea so I'll keep an eye out for new chapters to this fic.
7/11/2004 c3 3rabidotaku22
^_^! I know who's coming upp..! -giggles excidedly-! This is like the looney stories I come up with, heh heh! Write..!

6/30/2004 c3 Sieg1308
this was great. please update soon. sorry for delay... out of town...
6/29/2004 c3 23Hououza
And so the classic bath house incident is relived once more! Excellent chapter!

Sorry for the review delay, been in Canada.

Good luck & best wishes,

6/27/2004 c3 3ZRO4825
and yet still interesting...good work. ^_^
6/22/2004 c2 hdfsg
Now i really didnt expect that, This story could be great, look forward to seing whats next :D
6/15/2004 c2 ZRO4825
O.o Interesting little idea.
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