Just In
for Change of Heart

7/22/2012 c8 1DeathDeliveringAngel
loove it! please update!
8/18/2011 c9 Nicky
Plz do another one i am dying to know whats gonna happen next!
5/4/2011 c9 DeathDeliveringAngel
aww you can't not finish the story!please!
1/22/2010 c9 Gough 101
I really don't like this story -.-'. (gives out long sigh) this is a waste of my time.
8/25/2009 c1 darkangel0212
keep it up
11/1/2007 c9 9xXbleedingXheartzxX
wow i wonder whats gonna happen and ican't beileve that sango and inu did that that was so wrong plz up date soon
5/15/2007 c9 God Almighty
intriguing! and hilarious!

can't wait for the next chapter!
3/30/2007 c9 captive24
oh boy... why do i even bother reading things that aren't finished and haven't been update in forever... i just get addicted..
2/15/2007 c9 Chocolate.and.Romance.ROXZZ
this is so AWSOME

keep writting and denfenitly update the next chapter

luv it !
11/9/2006 c9 mgirl900
2/6/2006 c9 11FantasyDreamer06
oh...I love where ur taking this story! It's awsome! Please update soon! ttfn
1/3/2006 c9 1IronMaiden315
Well, awesome story! =D lol can't wait till you update...and I hope Inuyasha and Kagome get along soon
9/25/2005 c9 NightsDarkangel
I love your story so far. Please update soon!

9/5/2005 c9 27rabidcowsatemyhamster
Hi! I REALLY like this story, and I'm really sad that you haven't updated for so long! I hope you'll get around to it soon, I really want to find out what happens next!
8/29/2005 c9 31xiDOREyoux and CrimsonTears
i really like this fic. please update asap!=)
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