Just In
for When Hell Froze Over

1/27/2021 c1 TimeLess
Why is everyone reviewing saying this is funny? This is literally rape wtf is wrong with you people?
11/12/2019 c1 guest

Karma is a bitch.
5/4/2018 c1 marvinkitfox1
Pass the brain-bleach, please
Extra strength...
4/17/2018 c1 Varisha01
That is so wonderfully wrong!
8/5/2017 c1 Guest
Props for originality, but that was an image I REALLY didn't need.
10/30/2016 c1 1amsev
8/19/2016 c1 2shadewatcher
Bwahahahaaa! XD OMG
8/24/2015 c1 3WhiteElfElder
Ouch...poor Sirius.
1/11/2015 c1 22Post U Later
Oh God. Oh, My God! POOR SIRIUS, But MERLIN'S Holy BEARD Is That Funny! I Can See Why Snape Is Laughing For 2 Solid Days. I Would Be Too. XD
11/1/2014 c1 Devi2509
OMFG that is like the funniest fanfic ever
4/30/2014 c1 moonprincess97524
3/30/2014 c1 71Tactition101
Damn, didn't see that one coming. Got a good laugh from it though.
9/16/2013 c1 Guest
Oh the picture that came into my mind.
8/3/2013 c1 Procusi
Sick and wrong and really, really funny.
7/11/2013 c1 25Miriam1
Poor Sirius!

However... Since Severus chose not to assist in saving the Animagus, Snape lost all rights to torment Harry over the Marauders' mistreatment of him as a child.

Horrific torture and humiliation...


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