Just In
for blueeyed boy

7/11/2013 c1 Guest
sequel! ;)
2/11/2009 c1 aisha4senru
a sequel is a must!
7/29/2008 c1 9aisha4senru
auch...really...making me cry at this point of the day.. im in a netpoint , it's embarrassing...but i'm glad i read it.
7/21/2004 c1 18Pi-Kyu
Ahaha, and to think u detested Sendoh because he's way better then Ru. Never knew you would indulge yourself in yaoi fics... aah, the surprise. And well, it's very sweet of Sendoh, how bout a sequel eh?
7/16/2004 c1 lonelyriverdrifter
very angsty ending. nice. ^-^ very gd job creating the atmosphere in the beginning.. but i find the story going a little too fast. problably a little slower with a more angsty feeling would be perfect. ^^ keep up the gd work!
7/9/2004 c1 Simplykim
aw... that was so sad! -.- Oh man...

Well, basics first. The grammar was a bit off, you have to work on that. I know English isn't exactly the best language in the world but it is necessary to polish it from time to time. The pacing was great. The mood was very solemn, and that also is very good. ^_^ The characterisation was good too... ^_^ The plot was marvelous, if I may say so! ^^ Great job all in all! ^^ I'll rate it 8 out of 10! ^^ Well done! ^_^

lots of huggles,

Kim ^_^
7/5/2004 c1 lydd
ahh! *sniff* wa! so nice... so angtsy... so good... hope you continue! wanna know what happened! wa! *sniff* Keep the senru spirit alive!
7/3/2004 c1 Hibiki-chan
Yay! another SenRu fic.. make a sequel.. make a sequel.. make a sequel.. make a sequel.. make a sequel.. onegai.. They should be *together* and add some lemon too.. Am I too demanding? Anyway, good work!
7/3/2004 c1 19blufox
hey. good thing at least one made uhm..a move to make a senru fic. i really love senru! uwaah! i do hope you make a sequel or may be another fic? don't stop making senru fics! uwahh! i'm starting to miss the good old days when there were a lot of senru fics here at! (i sound as if i'm too old) onegai.. please do make another.^_^ arigato


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