Just In
for Letters

5/8/2010 c1 50Anna Scathach
Good. Very good.

Maybe you should have put the following morning instead of yesterday morning in the last sentence so that it would fit better with the tense in the rest of the text, because at first it's quite confusing.

Otherwise, very nicely done.

Thanks for sharing this!
7/23/2007 c1 nara21b
o my god.very good.very very very good!
5/2/2006 c1 Colton eggers
this is a very disturbed view of how things would go down but I have to say this is an interesting senerio and it is alright. besides that what kind of "wizard war" are you expecting her, harry and all the males go to war and leave the women at home?

(Not in a mean way) this makes little sense and while it is interesting and compelling it gets a 7 out of ten.


-love you adrienne
2/28/2005 c1 oRouth
Awesome story, very short but very good, i like it alot. very well written, once again.
2/21/2005 c1 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
*sniff* so sad. Actually, as it turns out, mine is just a bit like that. Hm... But anyway, good too.
9/19/2004 c1 Katelyn Deaton
wow, that's dark, I like it...morbid. I thought it was good. You guys really can write well, or at least Adrienne can? lol, tiff I LOVE YOU!

luv, katelyn
9/19/2004 c1 langtang not shure if that was a joke...but it was good...and funny too
8/1/2004 c1 Meg
I liked it. It was very short though. But it was good. Properly depressing. Congratulations.
7/3/2004 c1 4EternalEcho

Very good one-shot. Just the right shade of dark. Morbid yet slightly funny. Wonderful writing and really good details!



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