Just In
for Famous Last Words

8/14/2016 c9 Eve
Not kidding but I know someone called Connor Parker
7/14/2006 c15 Athena Aracne Dei
wow! that's such a great story! youre really an ispiration! love your stuff...write more!
12/13/2005 c4 2MikaPotter
superb storyline :p
5/11/2005 c15 4Padfoot's Sidekick
Ohh! That's so sweet! Hermione is so lucky!
5/8/2005 c15 5whimsical kitsch
LOVED this story. Good job!
3/29/2005 c15 19Rubber-duckiesofdoom
YAY! Sequel? please? I hope so!

3/29/2005 c14 Rubber-duckiesofdoom
YAY! Married, pregnant, what could be better! I feel like singing! To bad I suck at it! WAHO

3/29/2005 c11 Rubber-duckiesofdoom
YES! Finally a Katie/Oliver shipper! WAHO! Can't wait for the proposal!

3/29/2005 c9 Rubber-duckiesofdoom
This is an awsome fic. I'm sorry I haven't reviewed the last... 9 chappies, I've just been so engrossed in it! Great work, good plotline too!

3/7/2005 c15 romanceFreak
I would like ypu to write another chapter but more ron and hermione stuff not anything about the babies

2/18/2005 c15 4GiGiFanFic
I have no way of knowing if you are still getting reviews, but if you are, this was a really great fic. I enjoyed every chapter of it, but waited till the end to review, as I ,as I said, don,t know if you are getting reviews. Thanks, jeanne.
2/16/2005 c6 GiGiFanFic
I,ve been reading down your whole list tonight and am thrilled with all your fics. This is why I gave up my expres-vu system, cause I,d rather read than watch t.v.. I just have to go to bed, as it,s 11.23 p.m., and my eyes are bloodshot. I,ll get up and read the rest of this one in the late a.m., my last fic. Thank-you , Jeanne
2/5/2005 c15 dancerrdw
this was cool i liked it alot
2/3/2005 c15 Person Place or Thing
LOVE YOUR FIC! I always thought of Devon as a boy's name but after looking it up on a couple of websites I found that it can be a girls name too.
1/13/2005 c2 old muggle
The story is good so far but one detail. When you have them going to Diagon Alley you then indicate that they went into the Three Broomsticks. The bar in Diagon Alley is the Leaky Cauldron. The Three Broomsticks is in Hogsmeade. If you sent them to Hogsmeade then you may want to detail that fact so we will understand better.
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