Just In
for Famous Last Words

7/17/2004 c5 Phoenix
i liked the chapter..keep postin and plz dont take long,
7/17/2004 c5 2punkbanana13
oh! this was a fantastic chappie! please update son. i really liked this! great job!
7/17/2004 c5 43annmarieri
o! do keep writing!

7/17/2004 c5 Amy-Chris
Aw cute! Please update really soon! This is an awesome fic!
7/17/2004 c5 kuwait rose
he ya gr8 fic i like it its 1 of my feves
7/17/2004 c5 3Avery-88
omg, what will Haven think when she finds out that ron is still alive! UP DATE SOON
7/16/2004 c5 NoName
I like it, and i think you did a good job explaining Haven's feelings about never meeting her dad. the chapter felt kinda short though...i don't know if it really was...but it just felt like it..

update as soon as you get over that block..:)
7/12/2004 c4 3siriuslysirius
Could it be Draco Malfoy? Me thinks it tis.

Can't wait to find out!
7/12/2004 c4 1Timra
none other than who? Malfoy? Snape? Dumbledore? Fred? George? AARGH! don't we just hate cliff hangers? *the rest of the reviwers nod in agrement* so please update
7/11/2004 c3 Broken Rain
Yay, cool chappie!

plz update soon!

7/10/2004 c4 Amy-Chris
Good chapter! Please update really soon!
7/10/2004 c4 lindy
OMG! i love it! Hr/R is the bestest! =) i like it. amazing work. props to you. will be checking soon for updates! ;)
7/9/2004 c3 DeleteDeleteDelete123123123123
i really like your story and if you still need a beta ill be your beta.

7/9/2004 c3 Ellen
BRILLAINT! Absolutely brillaint! I love it! write more soon!
7/9/2004 c3 2punkbanana13
O THIS IS SO GOOD! you must update soon! great job!
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