Just In
for One Wish Outtakes

11/28/2004 c3 Rhiannon
I thought shin meant truth... *is confused*.

Anyway... I laughed so hard at this one my sister stared at me like I was crazy then asked if I was drunk. Awesome!
11/23/2004 c4 8Sharibet
One last bit of fanfic to read before I jump on a plane to Japan tomorrow, and what a good story! So, Mischa's mother was raped by a youkai? One of Kouga's wolves? Or did I misunderstand?

In any case, a very powerful vignette. I like how you've extrapolated on Takahashi's themes of the hanyou-as-outcasts, and translated them to Mischa's backstory. Great writing as always, and I'll catch up with you when I return in three weeks! Have a great Thanksgiving, KN.
7/8/2004 c1 Sharibet
Whe! I'm your first reviewer!

Poor Inu-yasha. He had a much easier time getting unpinned from Goshinboku when Kagome was the one to do it, eh?

I liked this story, though. Six months to cool down enough to strike a, Inuyasha *is* stubborn! And I like how you provided him with a good reason to associate with the family without the incentive of having Kikyo's reincarnation around. Akira and his younger sibs were fun.

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