Just In
for Beautiful Soul

8/16/2004 c2 7DaggerLy
Hiya. Sorry for not reviewing earlier. Didn't know you updated X_X lol

Anyway, thanks for the explanation. I did not know I learned something new =P

Great job, keep it up xD
8/8/2004 c2 Sieg1308
wow! this was great and very amusing. please update soon. sorry for the delay... what was the name of the song? and by who? if it's a real song anyways...
8/5/2004 c2 5VampiricEternity
Awe! I like this story. It's wicked and well written. Great job. I can't wait for more!
8/5/2004 c2 Kira
oo nice story, (no offefnse though, but it could use some more action ^.~) any7ways, question: where'd you get the song lyric thingimigogoer?

anyways, great job, and...i gues si'll check back sometime! good luck and blessings be!

8/5/2004 c2 3vixen-s.m.f
I love it. Keep writing. i need to know what happens.
8/5/2004 c2 Sunnflower
yay! it twas really good!
8/5/2004 c2 8Lady Of The Bubbles
this will be an interesting story... Ilike it already...
8/5/2004 c2 23Hououza
I did not know that. I had always thought it was only spelled one way...^_^;

Excellent chapter!

So now he's met her will the scars begin to mend?

Be interesting to see.

Good luck & best wishes,

7/22/2004 c1 kit kat
good story keep it up update soon ok n try to make the chapter longer if u could well keep up da good work :D
7/15/2004 c1 7DaggerLy
Interesting story. Nice start =)

Just one question:What is a 'finacee'? Did you mean to spell 'fiancé' or something? O.o

When somebody adds you to their Author Alert, they get notified when you have a new fic or when you've updated.

'kay, thats all for now. Ciao ;)
7/14/2004 c1 23Hououza
Interesting start, look forwards to seeing how this progresses.

Good luck & best wishes,

7/14/2004 c1 5Cherrysinger
Hi! I have no clue either what Author Alert List is either, but I do know that I love your story! So please finish it soon.
7/14/2004 c1 yakusoku-sama
author alerts are if you add someone's name, you get emailed if the author ever gets a new fic or updates a fic or soemthing. and this fic is really good. ^o^
7/14/2004 c1 crazy daisy
o! i like ur story! o u gotta continue! keep up the good work!
7/14/2004 c1 Sieg1308
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