Just In
for Nightingale's Voice

11/26/2013 c8 58WolfWinks
Are you going to continue like you said because I really love this story so please please continue!
7/23/2013 c8 ShadoweGoddess
Don't want to log in but damn you!



So so so good btw! I'll keep an eye out and hope for an update...
4/18/2013 c8 Guest
It has been 7 years since you have updated this story. I am quite taken with your plot. Although I tend to obsess over spelling & grammatical errors, I don't recall any in this entire story. I just want it to continue. Please start it again.
4/16/2011 c8 15Yizuki
Oh now this is good! It's brilliant. I hope Sango and the otehrs can figure out who's after her soon. I also wonder if Inuyasha will ever fall in love with Kagome. Please write more soon! I want to know the answers to my questions!
4/25/2010 c8 sabrinasmith
confusing 0.o
11/22/2009 c8 6LittleKuroNeko-nyan
woot! I love mute stories. Even though I do feel bad for Kagome... Wow... I think i'm the only mute who really CHOSE to be one...
5/11/2008 c7 KIKI Fluffy's Girl
Please Make Inuyasha proctect Kagome! Kagome just A Girl Wqhoo Lost Her Memory! But Bye Bye Now!
11/10/2007 c1 2DarkDragonessFly
I love this story and I read some of your other stories and they are great also you are a great author!
8/26/2007 c8 snowySJ
7/17/2007 c8 12pepperikeys havent updated in so long...and this is a good story to...
4/5/2007 c8 2jessiskags
this story is filled with excitement

i like it

i kinda feel sorry for kagome

but i feel more sorry for inuyasha
1/14/2007 c8 1Sunny Kimiko
Nice fic! I hope you update soon, I love you writing style and the idea of this fic is superb. Keep up the good work!

9/30/2006 c8 nil
please continue this story!
9/22/2006 c8 2mimi.sama.of.the.east.side
that was bumpin to the max. CONTINUE!
9/17/2006 c8 no sh-t
I am LOVING this story!

PLZ get to the next chappy!

by the way, who's tsusaki?

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