Just In
for Wizard Teen Trio Force

1/18/2005 c1 EnchantingFreak
ah hahaha, thats funny stuff. ATHF is great.

best wishes,

7/29/2004 c1 7Naraku's Phoenix
Dude! I love Aqua Teen! Especially Master Shake. He just doesn't get enough love from people. Awesome mixing their theme song for Harry Potter. Mind if I borrow it for my ATHF/HP crossover fic?
7/27/2004 c1 Krazy1
Lol, I like! I like! And yes, I do know what Teen Hunger Force is!

YAH! Adult Swim!
7/19/2004 c1 2volleypickle16
Good job -G

I had to go pee

after i had some tea

in my R.V.

So please be cool with me


Oh and by the way great song!

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