Just In
for Hermione and Ron's First Love Connection

7/27/2004 c5 Sadz89
Haha...Victor gets on my should make Lavender cheat on him...MUHAHAHAHAHA...*ahem* sorry
7/26/2004 c1 alyssaaa
ow ow
7/23/2004 c4 lauren
you are very good!

keep it up!
7/23/2004 c3 lauren
"So, wait, Umbridge was attacked my centaurs?"

-shouldnt it be by instead of my?
7/22/2004 c4 Amy-Chris
OH DAMN THAT LAVENDER! gr! lol! anyway, great chapter! This is an awesome fic so far! Please update really soon!
7/22/2004 c4 Kristi
omg! well i hope they straighten that out! PLEASE update soon!
7/22/2004 c4 3hermione21293
7/22/2004 c4 Jess
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG...that's all i can say, u've GOT 2 post da next chapter NOW!...OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!
7/21/2004 c3 Jess
Hey gurl! Did i tell u how much i love this story? I read it when u posted it in the hp boards and i read it again when i found out u posted it here, then they told me u had a new chapter out and i went wild and came to read it as fast as i could, it's awesome, keep up the good work, can't wait to see what happens between Ron and Krum and if Hermione's parents findo out :D, anyway, update soond, luv ya!

p.s. i don't kno if u remember but we talked in da boards a while ago, i'm Jess remember?
7/20/2004 c3 Kristi
this story is really cute...i don't really like that format, for some reason it gives me a headache...anywaz PLEASE upadate soon!
7/20/2004 c3 Elenrod
I am too lazy to log in. YAY you mentioned me! I am so happy. Um... yeah. this is going great. the format sort of messed up. um... i hope that krum and ron get into a fist fight. That would be awsome. Well, um keep it up!
7/19/2004 c3 9CommanderKilljoy
I love the story. Rom and Hermione are so cute for eachother. Can't wait for more.
7/19/2004 c1 hey
H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E, but other than that, really good.
7/19/2004 c3 7156
who cares if its short? It's good! I lvoed it. Please hurry ansd update!
7/19/2004 c2 inactivenull
A wonderful improvement from the first chapter! ::gapes:: Everything's coming along swimmingly. It leaves me wondering what's to come next. I pray for a few plot twists to keep us occupied between updates. ;)
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