Just In
for Denial

12/14/2016 c20 Guest
Why?! OMG, this is amazing! Please update. I know it's been a while, but please don't leave it like that. It's killing me! X.X
6/8/2014 c20 1Madeylnn Rose
is that it? are you done? or are you going to update the suspense is killing me
12/5/2010 c20 1NatsandStuff
Ahhh! I just love this story, and you're not even updating!


I feel like Serenity now. xD Please update (PRetty sure you won't even get this message) I know it's been over 2 years, but there might be a slight chance you're reading this message, and I want you to update!
5/13/2009 c20 AliceElizabeth2
Are you gonna finish this story anytime soon? It's a really good one.
8/12/2008 c20 luna starz
I know is been like a year but plz update this story, it is a great story and it will be sad that u would not finish it...
6/23/2008 c20 darkmagicianfan 100
Interesting chapter! I'm glad you made Mai so crafty! Pleasee update soon!
6/23/2008 c14 Darkmagicianfan100
Good so far! Aw! You make tristan sound so cute!
6/23/2008 c13 Darkmagicianfan 100
How sweet! ALmost un Kaiba-ish but it was cute! (sob)
6/23/2008 c9 Darkmagicianfan 100
(Sorry if I misspelled magicianfor some reason I can't type today)Some traditional Japanese foods are yakisoba, curry, and riceballs. I don't know many but these are the ones I cfasn remember off of the top of my head. One commonly known Japanese food is Ramen.

This fanfic is going pretty good so far. :)
7/26/2007 c20 24Flamist.Rika
That was an awsome chapter. I always hated duke. Now the punk is going to get it!...i showed a picture of him to my friend, and she went basistic. 'Oh My gawd! It's a transvestite! she's a transvestite isn't she? She looks like a boy! Or- Is she trying to be a boy because she's female gay?' My friend said. I laughed and told her it was a dude and to look closer at the picture. she squinted at it and then looked at a picture of seto i have and compared them both.

'I think the brunette is prettier than the Dice boy. at least he doesn't have make-up on. the brunette girl has a clear complection too.' she said. she still thinks Kaiba's a girl and Duke is a trans-gender.
7/6/2007 c5 Flamist.Rika
5/1/2007 c20 Sage The Inferno
This is awsome i can't wait till update again, please soon peoples lives are at stake!
4/24/2007 c20 2Tera Earth
Wow. I think Duke is gonna die. Judging from Seto's reaction, it wont be a quick death either. This should be interesting.
4/15/2007 c20 3Sakura Trees
this is such a beautiful story. Please keep on going
4/1/2007 c20 1Marisa Makou
Oh! I can't wait to read what's gonna happen next now that Seto knows the truth. Too bad the story's coming to an end, but hopefuly it will be a great one!

Good luck!

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