Just In
for Two of a Kind

3/9/2007 c1 16emopygmepuff

This story looks god!

Keep it up!
1/31/2006 c1 SophiMalfoy
woho! wow wow wow col! this is gr8 update son!
6/17/2005 c1 Sunzie
I really like where this story is going. I also like how your keeping the characters IN character, it certainly makes the story more enjoyable. Please update soon :).
5/7/2005 c1 xXAshNightXx
Thank you so much for doing a DM/FD ficcy. I'm too lazy to write my own. Really good so far and I'm extremely anxious to read the next chappy! Please keep going!
3/8/2005 c1 3vermilionxx
hm, i really hope you update soon, cause i really enjoyed the first chappie.

keep up the good work,

and i really hope you dont abandon this fic.
1/10/2005 c1 10Gothic Phoenix
Very well written. I like it and hope for more soon.
9/13/2004 c1 Jazz
Really good, plz keep goin !
9/9/2004 c1 cutie
i thought the story line was really good and i personally think this a very good performance from you and i wish for you to carry on this excellent performance. some great back chats and very imaginative, also smart!
8/20/2004 c1 tinkerbelle4288
i really liked your chapter so far, im used to the hermione/draco or the ginny/draco pairing, and ive always wanted to see fleur with draco. good work and i hope you continue!
8/20/2004 c1 Andra
Hey, this story is really good! I love the dream and I think you should really continue writing!
7/27/2004 c1 11ModelSkater
continue is a must!
7/21/2004 c1 5Nubia
Good story. Very intriguing. Update soon please.

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