Just In
for A Rainy Wedding

4/9/2005 c1 RussellGrl15
Oh, cute! I love the rain too. I've always wanted my wedding on the beach, but without the formalities of this one. It's funny, I imagined it raining on my wedding day, and myself going out into it. Hehehe. Loved it!
1/30/2005 c1 10IWasBornToTellYouILoveYou
such a cute story. i love the rain and think it is so much fun to dance and act like a foul outside while it's raining. my friends think i'm nuts
1/21/2005 c1 2ChickFlick004
AW CUTE! Perfect sequel. I love it! =)
11/10/2004 c1 Saraneth90
*sniff* that was SO SWEET! i almost cried! *demanding voice* where's the tissue box? *searches frantcally for tissue box, finds it, takes cluster of tissues and blows nose loudly* brilliant fluff, this is. :)
9/27/2004 c1 monkeys-r-us
Of course. Gr! Ron/Hermione. Was that an implied Harry Ginny as well? You know what I think? I think you are an amazing writer and should stop waisting your time on Ron/Hermione rubbish and move on to Harry/Hermione or Harry/Luna. However that is merely what I think.
8/5/2004 c1 Krystal Bennett
This is so beautiful it almost made my cry please make a part two for this happy story.
8/4/2004 c1 sballLuvr5
this story was really cute...good job
8/4/2004 c1 16MioneAndRon4life
aww. that had to be the sweetest fic ever. it was simple in such an amazing way that i just can't explain! i love it!
8/4/2004 c1 The Palindrome
*squeal* I love it! This story reminds me of something. My mom's best friend from high school recently got remarried. We weren't invited because it was family only and there were less than thirty people there. She showed us the video and pictures, though. She got married on a Hawaiian beach at sunset. There were beautiful flowers everywhere. It was so romantic. Her children were the bridesmaids and groomsmen. This story has the same emotion as that day (from what I can tell). It's very realistic. I love it and keep up the great work. I guess I'll see you when school starts. TTFN!

8/4/2004 c1 strawberries
Beautiful, Lovely and the rain of course was a georgeous and very sweet touch. Absolutely fabulous. I love wedding ones..they always make me smile (except when its hermioen marrying victor krum or something ahh) but they always end up with ron anyway :) :) :) I listened to this fic actually while 'superman' by five for fighting was playing on my cd player and it was georgeous. Do u know that song? anyway, well done :):):):)
8/4/2004 c1 1Line-from Denmark
Hi Abbey, this was so cute! I adored it, and it's so romatic that they share their first dance in the rain. It seems just like something they would do ;)

ifr I understood it right they ahd left seats for them who had died in the war, right? that's a very good idea, it seems just like them too. To remember those who had died and give them a special honor through saving them a seat even though they tecnicaly aren't there.

Poor little flower girl, haha and it's wonderful that it's on the beach, very romantic.

overall I loved this, even though it was pretty short... but I'm not complaining ;)

I hope to write more with you soon, and take care,

lots os hugs,

8/3/2004 c1 73DragonGrin - former TeenTypist
Aww! Adorable. I loved this. Very cute. :-)
8/3/2004 c1 3RebelRikki
Well, I personally think that Ron would be a terrible husband, but that does nothing to take away from the sweetness of this! I thought it was great!
8/3/2004 c1 39Amelia L. Mendal
AW! That was truly and utterly ADORABLE! I LOVE IT!


P.S. Love it! Ack, I'm squirming in my chair I loved it so much!... hold on I'm giving the link to a friend... done!
8/3/2004 c1 FreakishlyHuman
Aw! That was such a sweet story. *skips off to read more of your stories*
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