Just In
for Three Musketeers

7/17/2005 c5 7QueenTatooine
I'm not a big fan of Hojo-Kagome pairings, but the story was well written and rather intertaining. Good job.

11/16/2004 c1 2Haein
Good story, in the 'whoa, I never thought of things that way', way. I like Inuyasha, but he IS an incredibly violent, jealous, two-timing guy. If he weren't genuinely sweet and protective of Kagome, and kind of honorable in his hanyou way, he'd be a real psycho...
8/28/2004 c6 Jaina
That? Was *awesome.* No flames from this corner- as much as I love Inuyasha/Kagome, their relationship *is* incredibly screwed up, and it's refreshing to see someone address its negative aspects. Also loved your making Hojo the nice-guy narrator. I think he deserves to end up with her once in awhile, in fic. ;-)

I'm sorry to hear, though, that this had to be based on a real-life experience. I'm glad your sister wised up before she really got herself into trouble. A friend's sister is going through something similar, and I hope she finds the strength to get herself out of that situation.
8/15/2004 c6 11Inept
What a great story. It's too bad it has to be based on personal experience.

It has a really good moral, and what makes it even better is the way you wrote it out.

Congratulations on such a beautiful story.

I hope you continue writing, and I will definatly read your other stories.
8/14/2004 c5 Inept
Ah, I loved it. (as you can probably tell from my countless reviews...) What a nice way to end.
8/14/2004 c4 Inept

Beautiful! I loved it!

*cheers wildly and stands in front of door waiting for an autograph*
8/14/2004 c3 Inept
Ek! I love it! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
8/13/2004 c5 5Baka Psycho
Sorry if you con't this as a flame. Why did you make inuyasha so mean? ;.; Woah! I didn't start my reveiw with a woah. At least i got one in. hehe. besides the fact you made inuyasha mean, it was a good story.

-Baka Psycho
8/13/2004 c5 4Pixie Jones
AH i cant belive it was Hojo thats disgusting *gouges eyes out with spoon* i cant belive it ew Hojo is a pansy... very nice story... if it wasnt hojo hell i could have evean taken kouga!
8/13/2004 c1 18Kirjava Deamon
Ok, so Inuyasha was the boyfriend an and the narrotator was...Hojo?

Either way, I'm sorry to see this fic's end. Hope to see more of your writings.
8/13/2004 c4 Sunshiner
Inuyasha's the cheating bastard/ Kouga's the friend?
8/13/2004 c4 1Account Has Been Abandoned
...nice. Extremely well-done some blanks are left in terms of characters, but that makes it even better. Is this completed, or still going? Keep writing!

*Reccomends story...*

~Demon_Donatello AKA Cinder,
8/13/2004 c4 k-chan
I started crying when I read this.

Sure, I was already in a sad/romantic mood, but this story was so sweet!

8/13/2004 c4 death is only a phase
very nice story
8/13/2004 c4 KagomeSango so I can have BOTH of the hottie-hot guys
hey, cool fic! Best AU I've read so far. But, please, who is who? I'm ASSUMING the two guts are Inuyasha and Miroku (I could be wrong) =, but which is the friend and which is the pervy bastard? Plz, I must know!
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