Just In
for What is Love?

6/5/2006 c6 Fox Loves Shinigami
good fic a bit rushed at the end though. what did Iruka & Kakashi after they found out that Naru was being abused? Ja.
6/2/2006 c6 24Chibi Tsuki Hikari
That was awesome, I thought the ending was very sweet. You did the abuse and raping scenes perfectly. It didn't seem fake at all.
11/27/2005 c6 14Frosty Pig
That was a good story. Fast paced and to the point. In their falling in love, that was a bit too fast but good story nonetheless. ^_^!
7/25/2005 c6 10Lela951
i like the ending. Right to the point. Not drawn out. Tells me what i want to know. Its perfect! hehe hey at least you finished the story.
7/17/2005 c6 Insane Dragon Slayer
HAted the ending rushed and didn't make too much sence. But it's your story. And yah I like to review to help out people who don't have good writing abilities get better. But I still hated your ending; you turned a good story bad for the ending & that's my fav. part. well gtg untill next time a fan. ;)
7/16/2005 c1 Insane Dragon Slayer
6/6/2005 c1 anonymous victim
Wow. That was like being hit in the face with last week's garbage. You really suck at this. Discontinue your fic before you incur the wrath of God.
5/11/2005 c6 3host
terrible're right...not sure what you could have done though, i probaly would have ended it along the same way so...i loved the rest of the story though, just stick with your plot to the end eh?
5/6/2005 c6 um me
good story! it's the exact plot that i would like! nice fic ^^
4/24/2005 c5 13L. C. Webbs
okay consturtive critisim time. First off: REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A FLAME! despite popular beleif. this is a friendly help-a-long. (kay that sounded dorky. ch.)


Love your story but it could be better if you were a bit more desricptive and if you didn't just have the story.(course i can't like talk) ya know spice it up a bit...get Naruto and Sasuke into situations where they're forced to be together and the had something like that going (Kakashis gym class) but you kinda dropped it.

like i said before good story and i hope you continue it, i'd like to see what happens next!

Ja-Bloody Cross (but you already knew that didn't you?
4/24/2005 c6 gothangel123
That's cool that you're going to make two more chapters! This story is so good! Even if it's a sucky ending at least the others will be happy! Keep it up!
4/22/2005 c6 1Puchu-chan
good for you! writing fanfiction should be enjoyable, not a chore. And if people can't accept that, then screw them. XD Of course, Pu here will be sad to see your fic end... But keep up the good work, and death to all stupid flamers! XDXDXD
4/20/2005 c6 10Kali Swifteye
AW! I'm so sorry that you dislike writing! That must be one of the cruelest things on earth! I know I don't review often, but right now I'm apologizing: I'm sorry! Just so you know, I love your fic, and I'm very proud that you're finishing it instead of just abandoning it like so many other authors do. (Like me...I'm a bad person...) Keep up the wonderful work, and I hope you have many less stressful writing experiences ahead of you!

Heart, Kali
4/20/2005 c6 5citruspeach
Fuck whoever is saying that your story sucks! It's good, and honestly, who really cares if it's not! Has anyone else noticed that this site is ? That means that anyone has the right to post things, even if they do suck! (Which yours doesn't!)

Durr, it really pisses me off when people say things like that. It's very annoying, and no one needs to hear it. Constructive criticizm is good, yes, but don't just say, "Your story SUCKS!" or bitch about the content, or anything like that!

Okay, well, I'm done being indignant... ^^ Update soon!
4/20/2005 c6 8Verily-Snuffles
Yay! I can't wait till the next chapters.. Even if they're the last, but there's really no point to stretch out a story with no motivation/inspiration. So yeah, good for you, finish when you like and reviewers review to your timeslots. So yeah. Can't wait, bye for now...
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