Just In
for What is Love?

10/10/2004 c2 Yaoilover S
I like it! The storyline, the problem the seating charts for class, I LOVE THEM ALL! I hope Sasuke tries to get to know Naruto so that he can help him and do some * * * and them some * * * * * *! Update soon!^o^
10/8/2004 c2 KakiSensei
Hey, I don't know when you wrote that you had writer's block for this awsome fanfic, but I figured I could give you some ideas since I'm better at adding on, than coming up with them. Maybe you could pick up with 3 having Sasuke try to idnore it like all the oher kids, just that it hurts to, then the next day have Naruto come back still with no jacket and with more but with Sasuke following him home and watching through a window and ringing the bell at just the right moment saying they're study partners and drags Naruto to his home while finghting the urge to kill the latter's parents. Hm... not to mention that if parents give permission to the tachers in some old schools the teachers could beat them with no consequenses, if that spurs any ideas with Iruka and Kakashi being evil? Or having Sasuke take him out for food after 'saving' Naruto but being shunned from a fast food place, being treated like he had the kitsune, just this time because of his bruises since it's some kind of sign of who his parents are, and having his mask break somewhat after that little incident or something? I could sit here for a while thinking of little scenarios for probably hours, but I'll stop here just in case it's not helping or it's not the right turn for your story. I hope Sakura's not a good guy here either... no offense if you like her though! Hope something here sparks the end to the block so I can read more of it, ne?
10/5/2004 c2 8Inu-Angel Z
I like it! I really like it! Update soon, please.
10/2/2004 c2 12crystal-chan
Yay! like your idea, hope you update soon!
9/22/2004 c2 hiyo
update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update i love your fic
9/19/2004 c1 KakiSensei
I love it! There's not too many like this according to plot, and no one really ephisizes on the abuse itself. I love that Naruto's in jeopardy and Sasuke to the rescue seeing how much pain he has! ^ ^ It's my fav type of story. It's cool that you made Iruka and Kakshi the bad guys too. Poor Naruto-kun, but the more bad guys the marrier for Sasuke to save him against because of love! But though the parents are evil and the worst kinda to have, I just don't like them... I don't loathe them as much as I think I should, but this story's bound to only get better! Please post next chapters soon! As much as possible! lol.
9/17/2004 c2 me
the (O O) kirby face was most..enriching. lol here i was drooling over my vision of how naruto looked with the outfit you described, and then he got his jacket thrown out! the horrors! poor kid should kick his step dad's ass later on. even if it doesnt fit in the story, you can have a sort of a post script thing that says how naruto kicked his ass or i wont rest in piece. the dirtbag! *glares at kage*

make the mean cliffhanger go by updating. kirby will love you so if you do. ^_~
9/17/2004 c1 me
yay this looks very good so far, unique and not cliche..far as i can tell. but even if you did go with usual high school fic guidebook, your writing style would definitely make it look exceptional. ^^
9/15/2004 c2 Rurschach
...I wish for you to continue, I like the Naruto-is-a-abused-dude-and-Sasuke-loves-him thing. Please update soon!
9/11/2004 c2 1SiriusRemusLove
(OO)that's not kirby, this is ( ^.)
9/6/2004 c2 Dearest
How sad...honto ni kanashii desu ne...make me cry a little...what does naruto do in p.e.? or do they stay in their clothes? we have to dress out here...who knows maybe its diferent. hehe. i hate p.e. with al my might...loathe. please update soon! so hard to imagine iruka cussing but it adds to the effect. update soon onegai.
9/4/2004 c2 1Tears of Griever
*growls* WHERE'S THE NEXT CHAPPIE~~ - *pulls hair out* Anyways, I'm loving the story so far. Lets hope there will be Sasunaru action soon~

Aww... Poor Naruto-chan! - Continue soon!
9/4/2004 c2 Yuen-chan
No! You made that whatsit idiot rape Naruto! ;_; *sniffle* (Random sidenote: SASUNARU 4EVER!)
9/4/2004 c2 Fluffy-kins
Ack! Poor Naruto-kun... *wails* HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS! ... I really like your story though and I can't wait till you update.
9/4/2004 c1 rhys


omg.. please continue this _
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