Just In
for What is Love?

8/31/2004 c1 8Fantasy's Magic
update soon!
8/27/2004 c1 Yuen-chan
*blink* Iruka being mean to Naruto? Somehow I can't imagine that. Oh well! ^_^ Sucks for me! Update?
8/26/2004 c1 nkdsanklsandl
mou...*breathes in* CONTINUE SOON OR ELSE YOU SHALL HAVE PRETZELS TOSSED IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION *sighs* Man... shouting sucks when you have a headache, but I do it anyway. Anyways, on topic, Kyuu-chan - on topic! ((don't mind me speaking to myself... its very normal))

I like your fic, and I want you to continue, if you couldn't tell that already. Please... please! You don't have to have longer chapters, but they would be a plus. And SasuNaru... hehe *giggles*

Also, why is Iruka and Kakashi so hard on him? Usually their the "nice" ones... but its cool anyway and I want to see how you develop it. Well, ja ne!


8/26/2004 c1 7ewon
It seems interesting. Do continue.
8/26/2004 c1 trix
YAY! please update this soon! I can't wait for the next chapter! so update soon! ok! *waves flag of encouragement*
8/26/2004 c1 2ghostninja85
Interesting prologue. You have my interest. Update soon!
8/25/2004 c1 someone
I love this idea! yup Im goona enjoy this story! Please update this soon! I can't wait!
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